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Jan 1(91.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: MARK S. THEDFORD, individually and doing business as KAMA’AINA DESIGN CONSTRUCTION, CONSULTANTING, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 08-1-1219-06(SSM) (Injunction) in the Circuit Court of the Second Circuit, State of Hawaii, for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of injunction and civil fines against you, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(92.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: BERYL FRANCE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the City and County of Honolulu, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 07-1-1199-06 (GWBC) for the taking of an easement described as Parcel 1 (TMK: 1-3-015), for a public use being: Amelia Street Sewer Relief Project, situate at Kalihi, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. The aforesaid real property is more particularly described in Exhibit 1 attached to the Complaint filed heretofore and by reference made a part hereof. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the courtroom (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(93.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: IESU, LLC YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in 08-1-0671-04(GJK) for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of an injunction and civil fines in an amount to be determined at trial, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Glenn J. Kim, Judge of the above-entitled court, at 1111 Alakea Street, Honolulu, (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(94.) BOARD OF NURSING DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: ROBERT F. GREITE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Board of Nursing will conduct a hearing in accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes (H.R.S.) Chapters 91 and 457 to determine whether or not your nursing license should be revoked, suspended or other disciplinary action taken against you. The Petition alleges violation of the provisions of H.R.S. Chapter 457. The hearing will be conducted on July 24, 2008, at 9 o’clock a.m., at the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, 335 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaii (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(95.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: TOFUA IONGI YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 07-1-1476-08 (Eden Elizabeth Hifo) for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of an injunction, civil fines and restitution in an amount in excess of $10,000.00 against you, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Eden Elizabeth Hifo, Judge of the (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(96.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: STEVEN A. GRAVES YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 08-1-0352-02 (GWBC) in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of injunction and civil fines against you, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Gary W. B. Chang, (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(97.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: LRG CORPORATION, a Hawaii corporation; DILLINGHAM BROTHERS, LIMITED; JOHN DOES 1-100; MARY DOES 1-100; DOE PARTNERSHIPS 1-100; DOE TRUSTS 1-100; DOE ENTITIES 1-100; DOE ESTATES 1-100; and DOE CORPORATIONS 1-100. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Hawaii, the Plaintiff herein, has commenced proceedings in eminent domain against you in the above-entitled Court, Civil No. 07-1-1736-09 KSSA, and has prayed that said Court vest in the Plaintiff title to Parcel 101 and Easement E-1, Tax Map Key No. 4-7-26-01 (Portions), hereafter referred to (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(98.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: APOLINALE INOKE PALEPALE, JR. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in 07-1-1827-10 GWBC for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of an injunction, civil fines and restitution in an amount to be determined at trial, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Gary W.B. Chang, Judge of the above-entitled court, at (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(99.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: APOLINALE INOKE PALEPALE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in 07-1-1826-10 EEH for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of an injunction, civil fines and restitution in an amount to be determined at trial, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Eden E. Hifo, Judge of the above-entitled Court, at (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
Jan 1(100.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: JACOB I.K. KIM, dba ICS COMPANY YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 07-1-0870-05 (KSSA) (Injunction) for damages suffered, in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of an injunction and/or civil fines and/or restitution in an amount in excess of $10,000.00 against you, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Karen S.S. Ahn, (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p10)
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