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Public Notices
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Summons (130)
Jan 1
NOTICE OF ANTICIPATEDJUDICIAL VACANCYThe Judicial Selection Commission is accepting applications and nominations for the judicial vacancy in the office of the District Judge, District Court of the First Circuit (island of O’ahu), State of Hawai’i. The Constitution of the State of Hawai’i requires that the persons selected by the Commission be residents and citizens of the State of Hawai’i and of the United States, and have been licensed to practice law by the Hawai’i Supreme Court. A district judge shall have been licensed for a period of five years preceding nomination.Nominators: The Commission also invites persons to nominate qualified individuals (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
KAUAINOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission’s office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and through the Commission’s electronic Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in the docket shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 6-61 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Public Utilities Commission. Motions (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
COUNTY OF KAUAI PLANNING DEPARTMENT, LIHUE, KAUAI 4444 Rice St., Kapule Building, Lihue, Hawaii 96766. Tel: 241-4050. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Kauai County Code 1987, as amended: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a hearing to be held by the Planning Commission of the County of Kauai at the Lihue Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Meeting Rooms 2A and 2B, 4444 Rice Street, Lihue, Kauai on Tuesday, November 24, 2015, starting at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter to consider the following: 1. Zoning Amendment ZA-2016-1 to amend Chapter 10 of the Kauai County Code 1987, as amended, (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
COUNTY OF KAUAI PLANNING DEPARTMENT, LIHUE, KAUAI 4444 Rice St., Kapule Building, Lihue, Hawaii 96766. Tel: 241-4050. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Kauai County Code 1987, as amended: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a hearing to be held by the Planning Commission of the County of Kauai at the Lihue Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Meeting Rooms 2A and 2B, 4444 Rice Street, Lihue, Kauai on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, starting at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter to consider the following: 1. Class IV Zoning Permit Z-IV-2016-7 and Variance Permit V-2016-1 to deviate from the requirements noted (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTAs provided by Section 103D-324, Hawai’i Revised Statutes, and Section 3-122-227, Hawai’i Administrative Rules, Title 3, Subtitle 11, notice is hereby given that the contract with Beylik Drilling & Pump Service, Inc., to repair the Pahoa Deepwell A Repair, District of Puna, County of Hawai’i, Job No.2013-996, has been fully completed, and the amount deemed due to the contractor has been determined and certified. Date at Hilo, Hawai’i, this 29th day of October, 2015. BY AUTHORITY OF THE WATER BOARD COUNTY OF HAWAI’I By Manager-Chief EngineerThe Department of Water Supply is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.(HTH813454 (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULUDEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMER SERVICESPUBLIC AUCTION OF UNCLAIMED AND ABANDONED VEHICLESNotice is hereby given that the following listed vehicles, after being towed and unclaimed pursuant to Chapter 290-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and/or pursuant to Section 1513.10, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, will be either sold by auction as is, disposed of, sold as junk, or will be donated to a governmental agency at the scheduled hour of auction. There will be a minimum bid of Fifty dollars ($50.00) for each vehicle sold at auction. Vehicles may be inspected within 5 calendar days prior to the day of auction (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS") Chapters 91, 269, and 271, and Hawaii Administrative Rules ("HAR") Chapters 6-61, 6-62, 6-63, and 6-68, the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ("Commission") will hold a show cause hearing to determine whether the certificates of authority or the certificates of registration of the telecommunications carriers listed below and the certificates of public convenience and necessity or permits of the motor carriers of passengers and property listed below should be suspended or revoked for their failure to do one or more of the following: (a) File annual financial (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS") Chapters 91, 269, and 271, and Hawaii Administrative Rules ("HAR") Chapters 6-61, 6-62, 6-63, and 6-68, the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ("Commission") will hold a show cause hearing to determine whether the certificates of authority or the certificates of registration of the telecommunications carriers listed below and the certificates of public convenience and necessity or permits of the motor carriers of passengers and property listed below should be suspended or revoked for their failure to do one or more of the following: (a) File annual financial (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS") Chapters 91, 269, and 271, and Hawaii Administrative Rules ("HAR") Chapters 6-61, 6-62, 6-63, and 6-68, the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ("Commission") will hold a show cause hearing to determine whether the certificates of authority or the certificates of registration of the telecommunications carriers listed below and the certificates of public convenience and necessity or permits of the motor carriers of passengers and property listed below should be suspended or revoked for their failure to do one or more of the following: (a) File annual financial (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
Jan 1
NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS") Chapters 91, 269, and 271, and Hawaii Administrative Rules ("HAR") Chapters 6-61, 6-62, 6-63, and 6-68, the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ("Commission") will hold a show cause hearing to determine whether the certificates of authority or the certificates of registration of the telecommunications carriers listed below and the certificates of public convenience and necessity or permits of the motor carriers of passengers and property listed below should be suspended or revoked for their failure to do one or more of the following: (a) File annual financial (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p34)
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