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Apr 11(201.) IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 06-10718 In the Interest of a Male Child born to Maria David on June 7, 1990. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: MARIA DAVID EDWWARD AGTARAP Mother Alleged Natural Father FC-S No. 05-10432 In the Interest of a Male Child born to Nancy Duy on June 16, 2004. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: WILLIAM RHODEHOUSE UNKNOWN NATURAL Alleged Natural Father FATHER FC-S No. 05-10371 In the Interest of a Female Child born to Catharine J. Gutierrez on May 4, 2005. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: CATHARINE J. GUTIERREZ (...) (End Date: May 2) (p21)
Mar 17(202.) THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE Estates of: Arlene Zena Ash (P. 06-1-0001) Wright Elwood James, aka W.E. James, aka Wright E. James (P. 06-1-0046 Dorothy Helen Mackey, aka Dorothy Helen Underhill Mackey (P. 06-1-0054) All persons interested in any of the above estates are hereby notified that on Tuesday, May 23, 2006, at 8:00 a.m., the Judge presiding in probate, in his courtroom, State Building, Hilo, Hawaii, will hear all matters concerning the administration and distribution of said estates. All creditors of said estates are hereby directed to present their duly verified claims within sixty days from the date of this (...) (End Date: Mar 24) (p21)
Mar 13(203.) IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 05-10214 In the Interest of a Female Child, born to Evlynn Akilang aka Evlynn Lang on January 27, 2005. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: EVLYNN AKILANG “ROBERT” aka EVLYNN LANG Alleged Natural Father Mother FC-S No. 05-10364 In the Interest of a Female Child, born to Keri Carter on February 11, 1993. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: DALE CARTER Alleged Natural Father FC-S No. 05-10690 In the Interest of a Male Child, born to Paulbrina Canon on December 3, 2005. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: UNKNOWN NATURAL (...) (End Date: Apr 3) (p21)
Feb 27(204.) THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE Estates of: Mary Frances Allen (P. 05-1-0336) Lino Benitez Anit, aka Lino B. Anit, aka Lino Anit (P. 05-1-0360) Virgil James Butler (P. 05-1-0376) Ruth Edith Corcoran, aka Ruth E. Corcoran (P. 05-1-0368) Neal Edward Earley (P. 05-1-0377) Kathryn Roselyn Ellis, aka Kathryn R. Ellis (P. 05-1-0378) John Gomes Fallau, Sr. (P. 05-1-0386) Mary Keane Goss, aka Mary K. Goss (P. 05-1-0364) Patricia Ruth Hempy, aka Patricia R. Hempy (P. 05-1-0402) Gordon Preston Jones, aka Gordon P. Jones (P. 05-1-0379) Thomas Francisco Lopez, aka Tomas Francisco Lopez, aka Thomas F. Lopez, aka Dr. Thomas F. Lopez (...) (End Date: Mar 6) (p21)
Jan 23(205.) IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 05-10424 In the Interest of a Female Child, born to Marita Aki, on June 8, 2005. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: MARITA AKI JESSE LOPEZ Mother Alleged Natural Father UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER FC-S No. 05-10436 In the Interest of the Doe Children: Female Child, born on February 20, 1999; Female Child, born on September 8, 2000, to Chantelle May-Jan Makealohamepumehana Maikai. THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: CHANTELLE MAY-JAN MAKEALOHAMEPUMEHANA MAIKAI Mother FC-S No. 05-10113 In the Interest of a Male Child, born to Christina Apostol, on December (...) (End Date: Feb 13) (p21)
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