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Jan 1(751.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Section 304-4, HRS) BID FORMS for IFB No. 07-045, Grounds Maintenance Services for John A. Burns School of Medicine, Kaka’ako Facilities, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822, (an unofficial copy of the IFB is available on the Internet at cfm?Isle=SW) and must be submitted no later than 2:30 p.m., May 7, 2007, and at that time will be publicly opened. Pre-Bid Conference to be held on May 1, 2007, 9:00 a.m., Kaka’ako Medical Education Building, (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(752.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE CONCESSION HILO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND KONA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AT KEAHOLE Tenders by sealed bids for a concession contract to operate and maintain a Restaurant and Lounge Concession at Hilo International Airport and Kona International Airport at Keahole, Hawaii (\u201DConcession\u201D), for a period of ten (10) years will be received by the State of Hawaii, by its Director of Transportation, c/o Airports Division, Property Management & Land Acquisition Supervisor, Department of Transportation, Honolulu International Airport, Inter-Island Terminal Building, 400 Rodgers Boulevard, Suite 700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819-1880 (“Airports Office”), up to 2:00 p.m. on August 1, (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(753.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID FORMS for IFB No. 07-131, with plans, Improve Exterior Lighting Systems, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (OPRPM), UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822. Written notice of intention to bid is due in OPRPM by 4:30 p.m., May 14, 2007. Intention to bid via FAX (808) 956-2093 is acceptable. Due to conditions at the site that may not be clearly identified in technical specifications it is highly recommended that all bidders attend a the pre-bid conference/job site walk-through at 1:30 p.m., (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(754.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Section 304-4, HRS) BID FORMS for IFB No. 07-107, Furniture for Library and Information Science Program Facility, Hamilton Library Ground Floor, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822, (an unofficial copy of the IFB is available on the Internet at =SW) and must be submitted no later than 2:30 p.m., May 11, 2007, and at that time will be publicly opened. Bids received after the time and date fixed for opening will not be considered. Vendors (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(755.) NOTICE TO PROVIDERS OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS, the Kauai County Department of Water anticipates the need to engage the following professional service. Those determined to be qualified to provide the requested professional service shall be placed on a list for a one-year period. The requested service includes, but is not limited to: Special Counsel Services: qualified attorneys licensed in the State of Hawaii who can provide advice, counsel, and/or representation in civil matters in the court systems including, but not limited to: administrative law, personnel law, labor and employment law. Those interested and capable of providing (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(756.) INVITATION FOR BIDS Pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS, SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) on May 17, 2007, at the Department of Water of the County of Kauai (“Department of Water” or “Department”), 4398 Pua Loke Street, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, for the furnishing and delivery of FIRE HYDRANTS & APPURTENANCES (GS-2007-3) to the Department of Water, Lihu‘e, Kaua‘i, Hawaii. Bids received after the date and time specified above shall be rejected. The Department’s Manager and Chief Engineer reserves the right to reject any or all offers, in whole or (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(757.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID FORMS for IFB No. 07-109, with plans, ADA Walkway Improvements to the EKH, Building 333 Walkway and Walkway Between the New Covered Plaza, Building 336 and the Chancellor’s Office Building 335, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (OPRPM), UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822 OR at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, Facilities Planning and Construction Office, 200 W. Kawili Street, Hilo, Hawaii 96720-4091. Written notice of intention to bid is due in OPRPM by 4:30 p.m., May 18, 2007. Intention (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(758.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Section 304-4, HRS) BID FORMS for IFB No. 07-115, Move Library Shelving, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822, (an unofficial copy of the IFB is available on the Internet at =SW) and must be submitted no later than 2:30 p.m., April 30, 2007, and at that time will be publicly opened. Bids received after the time and date fixed for opening will not be considered. Vendors located outside the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, USA, may (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(759.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Section 304-4, HRS) BID FORMS for IFB No. 07-104, CNC Plasma Cutting System for Honolulu Community College, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822, (an unofficial copy of the IFB is available on the Internet at bidapps/ShowBids.cfm?Isle=SW and must be submitted no later than 2:30 p.m., May 7, 2007, and at that time will be publicly opened. Bids received after the time and date fixed for opening will not be considered. Vendors located outside the Island (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
Jan 1(760.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., on MAY 4, 2007, in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Building C, mezzanine level, Department of Finance and Administration, Oahu Transit Services, Inc., 811 Middle Street, Honolulu, Hawaii to provide Island Wide Towing Services of Public Mass Transit Buses operated by Oahu Transit Services, Inc., 811 Middle Street, Honolulu, Hawaii. Prospective bidders, are welcomed to submit a bid; however, the bidder must comply with the provisions of Section 103-55, Hawaii Revised Statutes, regulating Wages and Hours of Employees on Public Works. Form (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p76)
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