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Jan 1(481.) RFP/ITB #ELEVATOR_MAINT_0572U for ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE & SERVICE The City and County of Denver on behalf of Fairfax County, VA, Cobb County, GA and the U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance (GPA), the remaining members of the advisory board and all local and state government agencies, higher education and non-profits entities that elect to access the Master Agreement is soliciting proposals/bids to enter into a Master Agreement for ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE.. The resulting contract may be awarded to multiple Suppliers. The RFP/ITB is subject to Lead Public Agency¹s General Conditions & Instructions to Bidders. Proposals are due no later than 5:00 (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(482.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID FORMS for IFB No. 08-134, Vehicles for Transportation Services, University of Hawaii, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822, (an unofficial copy of the IFB is available on the Internet at and must be submitted no later than 2:30 p.m., July 10, 2008, and at that time will be publicly opened. Bids received after the time and date fixed for opening will not be considered. Vendors located outside the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, USA, may (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(483.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID FORMS for IFB No. 08-144, Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer for the Department of Chemistry, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822, (an unofficial copy of the IFB is available on the Internet at and must be submitted no later than 2:30 p.m., July 14, 2008, and at that time will be publicly opened. Bids received after the time and date fixed for opening will not be considered. Vendors located outside the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(484.) INVITATION FOR BIDS DEPARTMENT OF WATER, COUNTY OF KAUA’I JOB NO. 03-01, KW-03: INSTALLATION OF 8-INCH WATERLINE FOR ELEPAIO ROAD KEKAHA WATER SYSTEM; KEKAHA, KAUAI, HAWAII Pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS, SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and opened at 2:00 p.m., Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) on July 31, 2008, in the Office of the Department of Water, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii. Bids received after the date and time specified above shall be rejected. The Manager and Chief Engineer also reserves the right to reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, if deemed to be in the (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(485.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS WRITTEN QUOTATION FORMS for RCUH Project No. CC-05-1260R, KOKEA TRAINING CENTER CLASSROOM, Honolulu Community College, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii with plans, will be available from Hawaii Planz Administrators, Inc., 2979B Koapaka Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 and received in the PHYSICAL FACILITIES PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION OFFICE, 2010 East West Road (delivery address, back side of UH Federal Credit Union house), Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii 96822. Due to site conditions that may not be clearly identified in the technical specifications and plans, it is highly recommended that all bidders attend a pre-bid conference/job site walk through at 9:00am, July 15, 2008 (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(486.) NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS INTERESTED IN PROVIDING LEGAL SERVICES TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI´I The University of Hawai´i hereby invites licensed attorneys to submit expressions of interest and statements of qualifications to provide legal services on a contract basis as the need arises for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2008. At minimum, the University anticipates the need to contract for legal services in the following areas: Administrative Law Estates & Trusts Procurement Law Admiralty Family Law Product Liability Antitrust Federal Legislation Public Financing, including Appellate Practice Federal-State Relations Bond Counsel, Lease Aviation Fiduciary Duties Financing Banking and Relationships Public Records (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(487.) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AND HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME) PROGRAMS AND NOTICE OF CONSULTATION MEETING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG), HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME), EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS (ESG) AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS (HOPWA) PROGRAMS Request for Proposals: The City and County of Honolulu, through its Department of Budget and Fiscal Services (City), is requesting proposals from qualified private nonprofit agencies and governmental agencies of the City and County of Honolulu for federal funding from the City’s CDBG and HOME Programs for Fiscal Year 2010. The City anticipates that it will receive approximately $8 (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(488.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID FORMS for IFB No. 08-145, with plans, COOKE FIELD REPLACE TURF, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (OPRPM), UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822. Written notice of intention to bid is due in OPRPM by 4:30 p.m., June 27, 2008. Intention to bid via FAX (808) 956-2093 is acceptable. Due to conditions at the site that may not be clearly identified in technical specifications and plans, it is highly recommended that all bidders attend the pre-bid conference/job site walk-through at 10:00 (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(489.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID FORMS for IFB No. 08-142, Laser Microdissection Instrument for Department of Microbiology, will be available from and received in the OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, 1400 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 15, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822, (an unofficial copy of the IFB is available on the Internet at and must be submitted no later than 2:30 p.m., July 10, 2008, and at that time will be publicly opened. Bids received after the time and date fixed for opening will not be considered. Vendors located outside the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, USA, may (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
Jan 1(490.) Notice to Providers of Professional Services (Chapter 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes) The Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OahuMPO) is seeking qualified firms to provide professional engineering/architectural planning services for the development of the OahuMPO’s 2035 Oahu Regional Transportation Plan (ORTP). Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) will be received at the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization, Ocean View Center, Suite 200, 707 Richards Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-4623, until 3:00 p.m., Hawaii Standard Time, on Monday, August 18, 2008. An unbound original and seven (7) bound copies of the submittal, as well as a digital copy in Portable Document Format (PDF) on compact disc, are (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p49)
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