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Apr 19(341.) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS COUNCIL TELECASTING DIRECTOR The City Council, City and County of Honolulu, is seeking the services of an individual (as an independent contractor) to oversee, manage and be ultimately responsible for the telecasting of the City’s legislative proceedings. The minimum required experience is five (5) years of "live" telecasting and two (2) years of captioning integration into the "live" broadcasts. The City will be selecting this person based upon the submission of his/her proposal and relying on this person for his/her years of experience and knowledge. The services of the Council Telecasting Director are not transferable. The targeted (...) (End Date: Apr 26) (p35)
Apr 19(342.) NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS (Chapter 103D, HRS) Job No. 08-09/P92 The County of Maui, Department of Planning - Administrative Division, is seeking detailed proposals from interested and qualified consultants to supply services supporting the Wailuku Municipal Parking Lot. Consultants should have recent experience in planning, management, and fund raising for capital improvement projects. Copies of the Request for Proposal are available at the Department of Finance, Purchasing Division, located at 2145 Wells Street Suite 104 (Wells Street Professional Building), Wailuku, HI. 96793. Phone number is (808) 249-2403. Consultants should request the following document: "REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) for the Wailuku Municipal (...) (End Date: Apr 26) (p35)
Apr 26(343.) NOTICE TO OFFERORS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS No. CWB-PRC 09-01 Pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS, the Department of Health’s Clean Water Branch is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) No. CWB-PRC 09-01 for polluted runoff control projects for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Section 319(h) grant funding. At a minimum, grant funds must be matched 100% with match funding or in-kind contributions from non-federal sources and must be documented with timesheets, volunteer sign-in sheets, receipts, etc. as determined by the Department of Health. Specific criteria for projects are listed in the RFP. One (1) hard copy marked as the "original", unbound (e.g., not stapled) (...) (End Date: May 3) (p35)
Apr 17(344.) NOTICE TO OFFERORS OFFER FORMS for Beverage Rights and Beverage Vending Concessions for University of Hawai’i at Manoa, will be available from and received at AUXILIARY SERVICES, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I, 1951 EAST WEST ROAD, ROOM 210, HONOLULU, HAWAI’I 96822, and must be submitted no later than 2:30 p.m., May 18, 2009. Offers received after the time and date fixed for submission will not be considered. Vendors located outside the Island of Oahu, Hawai’i, USA, may request a copy of the Call for Offers to be sent via U.S. Postal Service by providing the vendor’s name, address, contact person and telephone (...) (End Date: Apr 24) (p35)
Apr 3(345.) Notice to Developers and Contractors (RFP 09-HHL-009) The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) is requesting proposals to design, finance, permit, construct and market single family houses at its Village 5 Subdivision located at the Villages of La’i ’opua, in Kealakehe, Kailua-Kona, North Kona, Hawaii. Village 5 Subdivision site is 23.6 acres and is designed for 118 single family residential lots, but this Request for Proposals (RFP) is specifically to develop no less than 45 and up to a maximum of between 98 and 113 lots. The site has been mass-graded and construction of the road and utility improvements will (...) (End Date: Apr 10) (p35)
Mar 24(346.) NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS Pursuant to HRS 103D sealed tenders will be received up to 2:00 P.M., Hawaii Standard Time, April 21, 2009, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Department of Finance, 4444 Rice Street, Room 303, Lihue, Kaua`i, Hawaii, 96766, for the Furnishing and Delivery of POLICE UNIFORMS AND ACCESSORIES. BIDDERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT EVIDENCE OF THE AUTHORITY OF THE PERSON(S) SIGNING THE BID DOCUMENT IS REQUIRED TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE BID DOCUMENTS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF A BID AS BEING NON-RESPONSIVE OR (...) (End Date: Mar 31) (p35)
Mar 29(347.) NOTICE TO PROVIDERS OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Chapter 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes) The Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OahuMPO) is soliciting statements of qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms for professional transportation planning and engineering services for a Land Use Model Enhancement and Demonstration Project. Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) will be received at OahuMPO, 707 Richards Street, Suite 200, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-4623, until 3:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time, on Tuesday, April 14, 2009. An unbound original and five (5) bound copies of the SOQ as well as a digital copy in PDF format on compact disc are required. SOQs submitted by facsimile or (...) (End Date: Apr 5) (p35)
Apr 1(348.) NOTICE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAY FUND PROJECT (#1-PROF.fedaid-08/09) Pursuant to the provisions of Policies and Procedures for the Procurement of Professional Services involving Federal-Aid Highway Funds, the County of Kauai hereby provides public notice to invite persons engaged in the professional services listed below to submit current statements of qualifications and expressions of interest for the fiscal year 2008 - 2009: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DIVISION LYDGATE PARK-KAPA’A BIKE/PEDESTRIAN PATH FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. CMAQ-0700(49): The County of Kauai is seeking professional service to provide work for the Lydgate Park-Kapaa Bike/Pedestrian Path Federal-Aid Project No. CMAQ-0700(49). Professional (...) (End Date: Apr 8) (p35)
Mar 20(349.) NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The County of Kauai, Department of Finance, is requesting proposals to provide administration and servicing of a FLEXIBLE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PROGRAM for the County of Kaua`i. Proposals shall be received no later than 2:00 p.m., HST, Tuesday April 28, 2009, in the office of: Division of Purchasing Department of Finance 4444 Rice Street, Room 303 Lihu`e, Kaua`i Hawai`i 96766 Before any prospective Offeror shall be entitled to submit an Offer, the Offeror must, wherein applicable, comply with the provisions of Section 103-55, HRS, regulating wages and hours and working conditions of employees of contractors supplying services (...) (End Date: Mar 27) (p35)
Mar 11(350.) NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS Pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS, SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and opened at 2:00 P.M., Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on APRIL 14, 2009 in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Department of Finance, 4444 Rice Street, Room 303, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii for the furnishing and delivery of ONE (1) TRIPLE COMBINATION PUMPER FIRE APPARATUS (LEASED) for the Kauai Fire Department, County of Kauai, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii. Bids received after the date and time specified above shall be rejected. The Director of Finance also reserves the right to reject any or all bids, in (...) (End Date: Mar 18) (p35)
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