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Jan 1
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUITSTATE OF HAWAIISUMMONSSTATE OF HAWAIITO: GEORGE SNOW YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 12-1-2972-11 (RAN) in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of injunction and civil fines against you, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Rhonda A. Nishimura, Judge of the above-entitled Court, at (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUITSTATE OF HAWAIIFC-S No.12-0003K FC-S No. 12-0004KIn the Interest of a Male Child, born to Nohealani Folk on June 11, 1996.In the Interest of a Male Child, born to Nohealani Folk on December 9, 1999.SUMMONSTHE STATE OF HAWAIITO: JEFF LONGRIN TO: KENNETH CHISOLM Alleged Natural Father Legal Father YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing with respect to the above-identified matter has been set in the above-entitled proceeding and will be held in the Family Court of the Third Circuit, South Kohala Division, South Kohala District Court, Waimea Civic Center, 67-5187 Kamamalu Street, (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
BOARD OF NURSINGDEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRSSTATE OF HAWAIISUMMONSSTATE OF HAWAIITO: SCOTT W. JOHNSON YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Board of Nursing will conduct a hearing in accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS") Chapters 91 and 457 to determine whether or not your nursing license should be revoked, suspended or other disciplinary action taken against you. The Petition alleges violation of the provisions of HRS Chapter 457. The hearing will be conducted on January 17, 2013 at 9 o’clock a.m., at the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, 335 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. You have the right (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
MOTOR VEHICLE INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: JOE LEE’S AUTO SALES, INC., and JOSEPH LEE, JR. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Motor Vehicle Industry Licensing Board will conduct a hearing in accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes ("HRS") Chapters 91 and 437 to determine whether or not your licenses should be revoked, suspended or other disciplinary action taken against you. The Petition alleges violation of the provisions of HRS Chapter 437. The hearing will be conducted on December 13, 2012 at 9 o’clock a.m., at the Department of (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 12-0025K In the Interest of a Male Child, born to Candy Soares on July 24, 2012. SUMMONS THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: STETSON KAHOLO Alleged Natural Father YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing with respect to the above-identified matter has been set in the above-entitled proceeding and will be held in the Family Court of the Third Circuit, Kona Division, 77-6399 Nalani Street, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 on Tuesday, January 8, 2013, at 9:00 a.m., before the Honorable Presiding Judge of the above-entitled Court; You are hereby (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 12-0020K In the Interest of a Female Child, born to Daida Akau on March 15, 2007. SUMMONS THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: MIGUEL SANCHEZ Alleged Natural Father YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing with respect to the above-identified matter has been set in the above-entitled proceeding and will be held in the Family Court of the Third Circuit, South Kohala District Court, Waimea Civic Center, 67-5187 Kamamalu Street, Kamuela, Hawaii 96743, on Monday, December 10, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., before the Honorable Presiding Judge of the (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: DELISETTE TILFORD PINNER YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 12-1-1901-07 (VLC) (INJUNCTION) in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of injunction and civil fines against you, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Virginia L. Crandall, (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-S No. 12-005K In the Interest of a Female Child, born to Kahula Kalili-Jones on Aug 13, 2003 SUMMONS THE STATE OF HAWAII TO: JOHN DOE Alleged Natural Father YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing with respect to the above-identified matter has been set in the above-entitled proceeding and will be held in the Family Court of the Third Circuit, Kona Division, 77-6399 Nalani Street, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740, on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, at 10:30 a.m., before the Honorable Presiding Judge of the above-entitled Court; You are hereby (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: TUPOU TAULAVA YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Plaintiff, has commenced an action in Civil No. 12-1-1282-05 (RAN) in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, for damages suffered against you in the above-entitled Court wherein it requests judgment by way of injunction and civil fines against you, together with such other relief as the Court deems just. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before the Honorable Rhonda A. Nishimura, Judge of (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
Jan 1
AMENDED SUMMONS TO: CHERYL A. KNOWLES YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP, has filed a Complaint against you in that action filed as Civil No. 11-01-282K in the Circuit Court of the Third Circuit, State of Hawaii, seeking foreclosure of the property located at 73-1133 OLUOLU STREET, KAILUA-KONA, HI 96740, TMK: (3) 7-3-037-017-0000, in which you may claim an interest, for sums due on an unpaid Note and Mortgage and for other relief as is just and equitable. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED (...)
(End Date: Jan 1) (p7)
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