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May 21(2281.) FISCAL SERVICES SUPPORT MANAGER The University of Hawaii Foundation is seeking a Fiscal Services Support Manager to oversee financial matters related to estate and planned gifts including Charitable Gift Annuities & Charitable Remainder Trusts. This position will also oversee the acceptance & sale of gifts of real estates. Excellent fringe benefits. For more information, visit our website at (End Date: May 28) (p229)
May 14(2282.) WEBSITE: WORKATUH.HAWAII.EDU UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI’I EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES For full description and other employment listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance. UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution EXECUTIVE/MANAGERIAL Assistant Dean CC, Program Dean (Communication and Services Programs), Honolulu Community College; #89170; closes 05/30/06; 808-845-9158 Director of Research Services, Office of Research Services, Manoa; #89006; continuous recruitment; 808-956-7490 FACULTY Assistant/Associate Professor, Dept of Educational Psychology, UHM College of Education, Manoa; #82193; continuous recruitment; 808-956-7775 Assistant or Associate Professor, UHM, School of Travel Industry Management, Manoa; #82150; continuous recruitment; 808-956-7166, Assistant (...) (End Date: May 21) (p229)
May 14(2283.) HAWAII STATE JUDICIARY Website: CONTINUOUS RECRUITMENTS CLERK III Island of Hawaii Immed temp vacs in Hilo, Kona/Kamuela CLERK TYPISTS Maui, Island of Hawaii Immed vacancies in Wailuku, Lahaina; Immed temp vacancy in Kona COURT REPORTER II Oahu-Immed temp vac; Maui; HI Certified Shorthand Reporter Certificate required DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS ANALYST V ($3,820/M) Oahu DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS ANALYST V (Oracle & Unix Platform Language) Oahu DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS ANALYST (Unix & Windows) Oahu V ($3,820/M-$4,833/M) IV ($3,393/M-$4,296/M) III ($3,136/M-$3,972/M) DRUG CT SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR IV, III Oahu DRUG CT SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR (HDL) III, II, I Maui, Molokai INFORMATION SPECIALIST (...) (End Date: May 21) (p229)
May 14(2284.) HAWAII STATE JOBS Vacancy announcements & applications for the following jobs are available on our website: You may also pick up applications on Oahu at the State Recruiting Office, 235 S. Beretania St., 11th Floor & the Kaneohe & Waipahu Workforce Development Offices & on the Neighbor Islands at all State Workforce Development Offices & the Lanai Library. APPLY BY: May 30, 2006 COOK III $3170/mo. Shift Work - Oahu Correctional Facilities APPLY BY: June 5, 2006 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ASSISTANT Downtown, Oahu $3393/mo. SECRETARY I Islands of Hawaii, Kauai & Maui $2236/mo. APPLY BY: June 9, 2006 STATE HOUSING (...) (End Date: May 21) (p229)
May 14(2285.) COUNTY OF MAUI LAST DAY TO FILE APPLICATIONS: May 30, 2006: #06-62 PLANNER VI, SR-26 (Appt. may be made at any rate w/in the salary range from $4,131, SR-26-C, to $5,880, SR-26-L, per mo. at which appro. qual. applic. can be recruited. Requirements: A comb. of educ. & exper. subst. equiv. to grad. from an accred. college/univ. w/a bachelor’s degree in urban or regional plng., architecture, civil engr., econ., sociology, public admin. or a related field (Present or submit evidence of trng. e.g. official transcript or diploma) & 5 yrs. of research or analytical exper. invlg. the compilation, exam., analysis (...) (End Date: May 21) (p229)
May 14(2286.) RESEARCH OFFICER Plans, coordinates, and directs research to evaluate the effectiveness of QUEST; and oversees the research design to test the various hypotheses. Requires 5 years of progressively responsible experience in conducting research in the field of health care and 2 years experience in supervising others. This position requires a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. Relevant substitutions allowed. Exempt position authorization until June 30, 2007 and located in Kapolei. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Please submit resume by May 29, 2006 to: Department of Human Services, (...) (End Date: May 21) (p229)
May 14(2287.) State of Hawaii, Department of Health Adult Mental Health Division (AMHD) Non-Civil Service Positions (Exempt) ACCESS SCREENER Staff a statewide access line for system entry into the AMHD. Provides screening for mental health needs, crisis support, schedules assessments based on immediacy of needs, and dispatches crisis outreach. MQ: bachelor’s in nursing, social work, or other human services field; diploma RN (may qualify depending on experience) and 1 year experience in mental health, or 1 year experience with a crisis line as a volunteer or paid staff. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Assists Clinical Operations Officer in maintaining systems for collection, analysis, tracking, and (...) (End Date: May 21) (p229)
May 14(2288.) CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU Vacancies will be filled upon availability of funds APPLY BY THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2006: SWIMMING POOL CUSTODIAN $2,658/mo. (BC-05) CONTINUOUS RECRUITMENT UNTIL NEEDS ARE MET: ACCOUNTANT VII $4,647/mo. (SR-28) CIVIL ENGINEER IV $4,921/mo. (SR-24)* MECHANICAL ENGINEER V $5,315/mo. (SR-26)* *Includes shortage differential Applications are being accepted from residents and non-residents and are available online and at the Department of Human Resources, 650 S. King Street, 10th Floor (Honolulu Municipal Building - Photo I.D. required for entrance). Hrs. 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Mon.-Fri., call 523-4301 for complete requirements or visit our website at: An (...) (End Date: May 21) (p229)
May 7(2289.) STATE OF HAWAII Department of Labor and Industrial Relations OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH PROGRAM SPECIALIST V $3,942 per month (SR-24) (Salary Reflects Shortage Category Differential) OAHU (Downtown Honolulu) Serves as chief staff officer for program development and evaluation functions. Coordinate and evaluate program operations; recommend changes and assist management in the implementation of program changes; develops, reviews and recommends policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines; directs the provision of administrative and office support services. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH COMPLIANCE OFFICER IV $3,177 per month (SR-21) MAUI (Wailuku) Conduct the most complex inspections of construction sites and/or other workplaces, investigates the causes (...) (End Date: May 14) (p229)
May 7(2290.) STATE OF HAWAII Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs Insurance Division Captive Insurance Examiner Downtown, Oahu The Insurance Division’s Captive Branch is seeking an individual to perform financial surveillance procedures and conduct operational and compliance examinations. Requirements include: a college degree with a major in accounting, business administration, economics or related social science; minimum 3 years work experience (of which at least 1 year should be in the insurance field) in accounting, auditing or examination of business operations, effective oral and written communication skills; proficient in using spreadsheet, word processing, and other related software, and knowledge of basic risk financing (...) (End Date: May 14) (p229)
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