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Jan 1(21.) OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORCOUNTY OF KAUAI DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATIONLIHUE, KAUAI Pursuant to Section 91-3, Hawai’i Revised Statutes, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, of a public hearing to be held by the Director of Parks and Recreation of the County of Kaua’i at the Lihu’e Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Meeting Room 2 A/B, 4444 Rice Street, Lihu’e, Kaua’i on Thursday, August 31, 2017 starting at 9 a.m., or soon thereafter to promulgate rules for the consideration of park closures. All interested persons may present testimony for or against any application as public witnesses. Such testimony should be made in writing (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(22.) NOTICE OF PETITION FOR RETENTIONTHE HONORABLE KATHERINE G. LEONARDThe Judicial Selection Commission, State of Hawai’i, announces that the term of the Honorable Katherine G. Leonard as Associate Judge, Intermediate Court of Appeals, State of Hawai’i, will expire on January 29, 2018. Associate Judge Leonard, in accordance with Section 3, Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Hawai’i, has petitioned to be retained in office and to be renewed for an additional term. The Constitution of the State of Hawai’i empowers the Commission to determine whether Associate Judge Leonard should be retained in office for an additional term of (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(23.) DATE: Thursday, August 3, 2017TIME: 10:00 A.M.PLACE: Meeting Room, Department of Liquor Control, West Hawaii Civic Center, 74 5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Building B, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona, HawaiiAGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes III. Approval of Addendum and/or Supplemental AgendaIV. Public Statements on Agenda ItemsV. Public Hearings 1. Application No. 16-35 (10:00 A.M.) O&J LLC, dba Waikoloa Restaurant and Bar, for an original Restaurant General liquor license, Category B2, located at the Waikoloa Village Clubhouse, 68-1790 Melia Street, Waikoloa, Hawaii, TMK: 6-8-003:008. 2. Application No. 16-36 (10:00 A.M.) Ulu Development LLC, dba Magics Beach Grill, for an (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(24.) CITY & COUNTY OF HONOLULUDEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMER SERVICESPUBLIC AUCTION OF ABANDONED & UNCLAIMED VEHICLES AND VESSELNotice is hereby given that the following listed vehicles and vessel, after being towed and unclaimed pursuant to Chapter 290-1 or 200-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and/or pursuant to Section 15-13.10, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, will be either sold by auction as is, disposed of, sold as junk, or will be donated to a governmental agency at the scheduled hour of auction. There will be a minimum bid of Fifty dollars ($50.00) for each vehicle or vessel sold at auction. Vehicles or vessel may be inspected (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(25.) FERAL GOAT, SHEEP, AND PIG HUNT AND UNGULATE CONTROL PROGRAMANNOUNCED FOR THE PU’U WA’AWA’A FOREST RESERVEHILO-The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announces the opening of the hunting season in the Pu’u Wa’awa’a Forest Reserve (PWW) Youth and Disabled Hunt and Makai Sections pursuant to Title 13, Chapter 123, "Rules Regulating Game Mammal Hunting." DLNR-DOFAW also announces a special Ungulate Control Program for the PWW Mauka section pursuant to Title 13, Chapter 123, "Rules Regulating Game Mammal Hunting," §13-123-9.The SPECIAL YOUTH AND DISABLED HUNT will be open in the Safety Zone above the (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(26.) STATE OF HAWAIIDEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCESNOTICE OF ANIMAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES AND TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF MAUNA KEA FOREST RESERVE, MAUNA KEA ICE AGE NATURAL AREA RESERVE, PALILA MITIGATION LANDS, AND KAOHE GAME MANAGEMENT AREALegal Notice DOFAW HILO -- The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) will conduct animal control activities specifically for trapping mouflon/feral sheep hybrids; staff hunting, and/or aerial shooting from helicopters for feral goats, feral sheep, mouflon and mouflon/feral sheep hybrids within palila critical habitat in the Mauna Kea Forest Reserve (Unit A), Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(27.) OAHUNOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission’s office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and through the Commission’s electronic Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in any of the dockets shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 6-61 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Public Utilities (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(28.) HILONOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission’s Honolulu office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and through the Commission’s electronic Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in any of the dockets shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 6-61 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Public (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(29.) KONANOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission’s Honolulu office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and through the Commission’s electronic Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in any of the dockets shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 6-61 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Public (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
Jan 1(30.) KAUAINOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO interested persons that the applications listed below have been filed with the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The applications are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission’s office located at 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, and through the Commission’s electronic Document Management System, accessible at the following website address: Anyone who intends to intervene or participate in the docket shall comply with Subchapter 4 of Chapter 6-61 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Public Utilities Commission. Motions (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p3)
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