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Jan 1(1441.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of LAWRENCE GARRAMONE III For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of LAWRENCE GARRAMONE III and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of LAWRENCE GARRAMONE III shall be changed to COLL K. DANIEL upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1442.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of TANYA KUUMOMI-MARY APOLO For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of TANYA KUUMOMI-MARY APOLO and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of TANYA KUUMOMI-MARY APOLO shall be changed to TANYA KUUMOMI-MARY DAYONDON upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1443.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of GOO LIN PIRTLE For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of GOO LIN PIRTLE and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of GOO LIN PIRTLE shall be changed to LILLIAN LEILANI PIRTLE upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1444.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of JANET PHAM DIEP For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of JANET PHAM DIEP and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of JANET PHAM DIEP shall be changed to KIM PHUONG DIEP upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1445.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of KELLY KEIKO YAMADA For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of KELLY KEIKO YAMADA and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of KELLY KEIKO YAMADA shall be changed to KELLY KEIKO TOGUCHI upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1446.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Floresens Veronica Martins For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Floresens Veronica Martins and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of Floresens Veronica Martins shall be changed to Floraine Veronica Martins upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1447.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of ROOKE IME‘IKE GASMEN For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of ROOKE IME‘IKE GASMEN and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of ROOKE IME‘IKE GASMEN shall be changed to ROOKE IME‘IKE KELIIPULEOLE upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1448.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Tofaaga L. Salatielu For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Tofaaga L. Salatielu and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of Tofaaga L. Salatielu shall be changed to Tofaaga Levi Salatielu-Unutoa upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1449.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of MYRA ANN CHISEKO NAKASHIGE For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of MYRA ANN CHISEKO NAKASHIGE and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of MYRA ANN CHISEKO NAKASHIGE shall be changed to MYRA ANN KUMAI (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
Jan 1(1450.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Roseale Pi‘ilani Puhi a.k.a. Roseale Pi‘ilani Marcello For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Roseale Pi‘ilani Puhi a.k.a. Roseale Pi‘ilani Marcello and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of Roseale Pi‘ilani Puhi shall be (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p145)
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