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Jan 1(1371.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of ANGELIQUE KEAOKALANI LOPEZ For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of ANGELIQUE KEAOKALANI LOPEZ and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of ANGELIQUE KEAOKALANI LOPEZ shall be changed to ANGELIQUE KEAOKALANI PENAFLOR upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1372.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of CHRYSTAL DEE YAMASAKI For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of CHRYSTAL DEE YAMASAKI and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of CHRYSTAL DEE YAMASAKI shall be changed to CHRYSTAL THOMAS YAMASAKI upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1373.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of RAE SATOE YOSHIDA For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of RAE SATOE YOSHIDA and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of RAE SATOE YOSHIDA shall be changed to RAE SATOE INOKUMA YOSHIDA upon a (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1374.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of CLARENCE HERBERT WEATHERWAX (Father) and CARRIE LYNN MALAMANUI WEATHERWAX (Mother) for and on behalf of CLARENCE HERBERT WEATHERWAX III a minor, For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of CLARENCE HERBERT WEATHERWAX and CARRIE LYNN MALAMANUI WEATHERWAX and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1375.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of PERRY NEGRONE For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of PERRY NEGRONE and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of PERRY NEGRONE shall be changed to PERRY PHILIP NEGRONES upon a single publication in the (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1376.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of TASHA DAWN MORRISON For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of TASHA DAWN MORRISON and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of TASHA DAWN MORRISON shall be changed to TASHA DAWN DeFALCO upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1377.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Monica Ikuko Ishikawa For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Monica Ikuko Ishikawa and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of Monica Ikuko Ishikawa shall be changed to Monica Ikuko Toguchi upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1378.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Jadine Keonaona Makinano For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Jadine Keonaona Makinano and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of Jadine Keonaona Makinano shall be changed to Jadine Keonaona Makinano Yonemitsu upon a (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1379.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Haroldeane Kiyoko Ching For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Haroldeane Kiyoko Ching and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of Haroldeane Kiyoko Ching shall be changed to Deanie Kiyoko Ching upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
Jan 1(1380.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Tammy Mitsue Kaku For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Tammy Mitsue Kaku and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of Tammy Mitsue Kaku shall be changed to Tammy Mitsue Profetto upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p138)
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