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Jan 1(1141.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of VIOLET MAILANI LYNN BANDMANN For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of VIOLET MAILANI LYNN BANDMANN and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of VIOLET MAILANI LYNN BANDMANN shall be changed to VIOLET MAILANI LYNN (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1142.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of FRANCISCA PASION MARUQUIN For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of FRANCISCA PASION MARUQUIN and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of FRANCISCA PASION MARUQUIN shall be changed to FRANCISCA MARUQUIN SORIANO upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1143.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Melia Mei Ling Redona for and on behalf of Eden Lono Manuel Christopher Menendez a minor, For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Melia Mei Ling Redona and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1144.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of JEAN KEIKO KINUMATSU For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of JEAN KEIKO KINUMATSU and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of JEAN KEIKO KINUMATSU shall be changed to JEAN KEIKO UNABIA upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1145.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Melia Mei Ling Redona for and on behalf of Eden Lono Manuel Christopher Menendez a minor, For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Melia Mei Ling Redona and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1146.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of TSURUE TAKAMUNE For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of TSURUE TAKAMUNE and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of TSURUE TAKAMUNE shall be changed to JANET TSURUE TAKAMUNE upon a single publication in the (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1147.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of CHERIE ANN CABURAL MABASA For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of CHERIE ANN CABURAL MABASA and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of CHERIE ANN CABURAL MABASA shall be changed to CHERIE ANN MABASA (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1148.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of JANETTE CABURAL MABASA For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of JANETTE CABURAL MABASA and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of JANETTE CABURAL MABASA shall be changed to JANETTE MABASA BLANCAFLOR upon a single (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1149.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of NOREEN KIEKO HIGA For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of NOREEN KIEKO HIGA and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of NOREEN KIEKO HIGA shall be changed to NOREEN KIEKO HIGA CARLOS upon a (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
Jan 1(1150.) IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OF HAWAII In the Matter of the Petition of Henry Louis Tadashi Kawamoto For Change of Name NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Upon consideration of the Petition of Henry Louis Tadashi Kawamoto and there appearing to me to be good reasons for granting the same: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and thereunto enabling, I, James R. Aiona, Jr., Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby give public notice that the name of Henry Louis Tadashi Kawamoto shall be changed to Henry Tadashi Kawamoto (...) (End Date: Jan 1) (p115)
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