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Feb 26(231.) DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR INFORMATION The Department of Human Services (DHS), Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division (BESSD) requests information and recommendations from the general public, private (for profit and non-profit) sector, as well as religious organizations, in keeping with Sec. 104, Public Law 104-193. Federal Regulations require TANF and TAONF recipients who are mentally or physically disabled to participate in services that assist them in the rehabilitation process. Accordingly, the Department seeks to enter into a contract to provide vocational rehabilitation, including training and employment services, counseling, job placement, job retention and support services (...) (End Date: Mar 5) (p24)
Feb 27(232.) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The State Auditor, State of Hawai‘i, is requesting the services of qualified consultants to provide assistance to the State Auditor and the Hawai‘i 2050 Task Force as provided by Act 8, Special Session Laws of Hawai‘i 2005 and Section 6 of Act 1, Session Laws of Hawai‘i 2005, and as reported by the Task Force in December 2005. The assistance will extend through FY2006-07. Specifications and Instructions for Submissions of Proposals (RFP No. 06-01) for the assistance engagement may be obtained at the Office of the Auditor, 465 South King Street, Room 500, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, or by (...) (End Date: Mar 6) (p24)
Feb 27(233.) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The State Department of Health is soliciting proposals for the provision of nursing services for inpatient mentally ill adults. RFP No. HTH 430-4. RFP Coordinator: Elnora B. Guieb, ph. (808) 236-8230. RFP Pick-up and Proposals Mail-ins/Hand Deliveries: Hawaii State Hospital Business Office 45-710 Keaahala Road Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 RFP packet may be obtained from the pick-up site beginning 9:00 a.m. February 27, 2006, or from the SPO website at:, or ask for a copy at (808) 236-8254. Sealed proposals must be delivered by 4:30 p.m. (HST) April 3, 2006 or must be postmarked by United States (...) (End Date: Mar 6) (p24)
Feb 6(234.) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS The City and County of Honolulu, through its Department of Community Services, requests proposals from qualified nonprofit organizations to provide housing opportunities and supportive services to persons with HIV/AIDS. Funds for the Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA) program are provided through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act (43 U.S.C.12901), as amended. The intent of the HOPWA program is to expand housing opportunities and supportive services to lower income persons with HIV/AIDS and their families. The City intends to provide (...) (End Date: Feb 13) (p24)
Feb 13(235.) REQUEST-FOR-INFORMATION (RFI) (Chapter 103F, Hawaii Revised Statutes) Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 103F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, relating to the purchases of health and human services, the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii (HCDCH) is soliciting responses for services of case management and congregate services for the elderly and persons with disabilities (Oahu). RFI Coordinator: Ms. Jeanne Hamilton Phone No.: (808) 587-3182 RFI Pickup RFI Mail-Ins: HCDCH HCDCH 677 Queen Street, Suite 300 Planning & Evaluation Office Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 677 Queen Street, Suite 300 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 RFI I.D. Number Service Activity RFI-PEO-2006-01 Case Management and (...) (End Date: Feb 20) (p24)
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