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Notice #: 0000478804-01
Public Notices


The Department of Health, State of Hawaii, is notifying all interested persons of the proposed settlement between the Department of Health and Kohala Coast Concrete and Precast, LLC. The Department of Health has issued a Notice and Finding of Violation and Order, in Docket No. 11-CA-EO-16, alleging that Kohala Coast Concrete and Precast, LLC, violated state air pollution laws, HRS §342B-11, HAR §11-60.1-2, and Noncovered Source Permit (NSP) No. 0383-01-N by failing to: 1) Notify the DOH in writing of the intent to shutdown air pollution control equipment for necessary scheduled maintenance at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the planned shutdown; 2) Use the water barrel dust filtering system servicing the cement silo at all times during eleven separate pneumatic loadings of concrete into the storage silo during the month of July 2011; and 3) maintain records on inspections, maintenance, and any repair work conducted on the concrete batch plant located at Kaeihaualii Industrial Subdivision in Kawaihae, Hawaii on or about January 29, 2011.
A Consent Order has been drafted that proposes to settle this case. Interested persons may submit written comments on this proposed settlement to the Department of Health within 30 days of this notice. Comments should be sent to Mr. Nolan Hirai, Acting Manager, Clean Air Branch, Department of Health, P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96801-3378. The proposed Consent Order and the Notice and Finding of Violation and Order may be reviewed at the Clean Air Branch in Honolulu, 919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 203, at the Clean Air Branch in Hilo, Hawaii District Health Office, 1582 Kamehameha Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, and at the Clean Air Branch in Kona, Keakealani Building, 79-1020 Haukapila Street, Room 113, Kealakekua, Hawaii. For additional information, contact Mr. Timothy Carvalho of the Clean Air Branch in Honolulu at (808) 586-4200.
(SA478804 12/24/12)~