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Notice #: 0000229851-01
Public Hearings


Notice is hereby given of the hearing to be held by the Office of Planning, Coastal Zone Management Program, under Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and Chapter 15-150, Hawaii Administrative Rules.

DATE: September 30, 2010
TIME: 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: 235 S. Beretania St., (Leiopapa A Kamehameha Bldg), Suite 600
FILE NO.: SMA/10-10
APPLICATION: Special Management Area (SMA) Use Approval
APPLICANT: Hawaii Community Development Authority
AGENT: Mitsunaga & Associates, Inc.
LOCATION: Kakaako Community Development District, Makai Area, Honolulu, Oahu
TAX MAP KEY NO.: (1) 2-1-15: 43
REQUEST: Installation of modular office building, a sally port, pavement stripping and utility services.

The purpose of the hearing is to receive testimony, written or oral, regarding the consistency or inconsistency of the request with the SMA guidelines in Chapter 15-150, Hawaii Administrative Rules, which govern SMA and shoreline areas within community development districts.

All interested persons are invited to attend. Those desiring to testify may register before the start of the hearing at the hearing site. They are encouraged to submit a copy of the testimony in writing. Written testimony alone should be submitted before or at the time of public hearing to be included in the findings of the hearing, and for consideration in the assessment of the request. Testimony may be mailed to the Office of Planning, P.O. Box 2359, Honolulu, Hawaii 96804, delivered to the place above, or faxed to 587-2824.

For persons requesting special accommodations due to disabilities, please contact the Office of Planning at 587-2846, or submit a written request to its mailing address above at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing.

Office of Planning
Abbey Seth Mayer
(SA229851 8/30/10)