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Notice #: 0000113127-02
Public Notices


In accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Consolidated Plan, the City and County of Honolulu hereby provides a list of final projects for the City’s Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010). The City’s Consolidated Plan contains the identified housing and community development needs and a long-range strategic plan to achieve those needs. The annual Action Plan contains the projects the City will undertake in the upcoming year to address the needs identified in the Consolidated Plan. The funding allocations are subject to change pending receipt of the actual funding amounts from HUD. The final projects in this, the City’s 15th Year Action Plan are as follows:

Eligibility and Acti-
National Objective vity Proposed
Project Title and Description Citation Code Funding Phase Amount ($) Location Proposed Accomplishment Subrecipient


Department of Community Services (DCS) – Elig: 570.206 21A CDBG Oper 1,427,124 Not applicable Promotes effective administration of Not applicable
Community Assistance Division, Community Based Development NO: 570.208(d)(4) the Rehabilitation Loan Program
Division, Office of Special Projects and eligible homeownership programs;
Provision of funds for the administrative support of the DCS Office of Special and supports community-based
Projects, Community Assistance Division and Community-Based Development development projects.

Department of Community Services – Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 1,400,000 Not applicable Supports shelter for victims of Not applicable
Honolulu Shelter NO: 570.208(a)(2) of domestic violence.
Provision of funds for construction of a new facility to replace an existing
shelter for victims of domestic violence.

Department of Community Services – Elig: 570.201(e) 05H CDBG Other 200,000 Community-wide Supports programs for homeless Not applicable
Work Readiness Program for People Experiencing Homelessness NO: 570.208(a)(2) persons.
Provision of funds for an employment and work readiness program for
persons experiencing homelessness.

Domestic Violence Action Center – DVAC Court Outreach Elig: 570.201(e) 05G CDBG Other 85,034 Community-wide Supports victims of domestic violence. Domestic
Program (PS) NO: 570.208(a)(2) Violence
Provision of funds to provide services and resources for victims of Action Center
domestic violence in need of legal counseling.

Easter Seals Hawaii – West Oahu Service Center Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 750,000 92-461 Makakilo Drive Supports programs for disabled Easter Seals
Provision of funds for construction of a facility in the Kapolei NO: 570.208(a)(2) Kapolei, HI 96707 adults and youth of low- and Hawaii
area that will provide services for the disabled. moderate-income.

Fiscal Support Elig: 570.206 21A CDBG Oper 111,846 Not applicable Supports proper administration and Not applicable
Provision of funds for fiscal support of federally-funded programs. NO: 570.208(d)(4) oversight of the CDBG, HOME, ESG
and HOPWA programs.

Good Beginnings Alliance – Strengthening Families of Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 133,956 546 Ka’aahi Street, Supports programs for families of low- Good Beginnings
Oahu’s Keiki (PS) NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96817, and moderate-income. Alliance
Provision of funds to support Strengthening Families of Oahu’s Keiki an early 85-638 Farrington Hwy.,
childhood and family strengthening project focused on services to improve Waianae, HI 96792,
conditions through family development in homeless shelters and through 2107 Ahe Street,
school readiness in an existing public housing. Honolulu, HI 96816

Goodwill Industries Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 2,000,000 TMK: 9-1-075:006 Provides additional job development Goodwill Industries
Provision of funds for construction of a facility in the Kapolei NO: 570.208(a)(2) 2140 Lauwiliwili Street training to low- and moderate-income
area that will provide employment and vocational training for the Kapolei, Hawaii, 96707 Leeward Oahu families.
low-moderate income residents of West Oahu.

Hawaii Literacy, Inc. – Family Literacy (PS) Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 97,973 Kuhio Park Terrace and Supports programs for persons of Hawaii Literacy,
Provision of funds for staffing and project costs for the Family Literacy NO: 570.208(a)(2) Mayor Wright Housing low- and moderate-income. Inc.
Program in Kuhio Park Terrace and Mayor Wright Housing in Kalihi. in Kalihi

Helping Hands Hawaii – Community Clearinghouse (PS) Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 183,601 Community-wide Supports programs for persons of Helping Hands
Provision of funds for Community Clearinghouse operational costs for a NO: 570.208(a)(2) low- and moderate-income. Hawaii
program that solicits and receives donated goods to distribute to clients
referred by social service agencies.

Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. (HCAP) – Waianae Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 1,000,000 85-555 Farrington Hwy. Supports programs for persons of Honolulu
District Center NO: 570.208(a)(1) Waianae, HI 96792 low- and moderate-income. Community Action
Provision of funds to renovate HCAP’s Waianae District Center Program, Inc.
to accommodate existing and new programs.

Honolulu Fire Department – Hauula Land Acquisition Elig: 570.201(a) 03O CDBG Other 1,000,000 TMK: 5-4-018: 065 and 064 Supports community-based services Honolulu Fire
Provision of funds for acquisition of land to relocate an existing fire station to NO: 570.208(a)(1) for persons of low- and Department
a property that is outside of the inundation zone which is susceptible to moderate-income.
flooding for the purpose of improving fire protection services to the low- and
moderate-income service area in Hauula.

Honolulu Fire Department – Fire Protection Apparatus Acquisition Elig: 570.201(c) 03O CDBG Other 1,000,000 1610 Makaloa Street, Supports community-based services Honolulu Fire
– Aerial NO: 570.208(a)(1) Honolulu, HI 96814 for persons of low- and Department
Provision of funds to acquire an aerial-type fire apparatus to facilitate moderate-income.
and improve fire protection services for the low- and moderate-income
area served by the Pawa’a Fire Station.

Lanakila Pacific – Wahiawa Renovations Phase III Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 500,000 330 Walker Ave. Supports programs for persons of Lanakila Pacific
Provision of funds for renovation of the Wahiawa Center. NO: 570.208(a)(2) Wahiawa, HI 96786 low- and moderate-income.

Pacific Housing Assistance Corporation – Senior Residence at Iwilei Elig: 570.201(c) 03A CDBG Other 1,000,000 TMK: 5-7-001:002 Supports community-based services Pacific Housing
Provision of funds to construct a senior community service center within NO: 570.208(a)(2) 888 Iwilei Road for seniors of low- and moderate- Assistance Corp.
Iwilei Senior Housing. Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 income.

Parents and Children Together – Family Peace Center (PS) Elig: 570.201(e) 05G CDBG Other 146,703 Community-wide Provides additional support services Parents and
Provision of funds to continue and expand comprehensive crisis response, NO: 570.208(a)(2) to victims of domestic violence. Children Together
care and support for victims of domestic violence.

Program Administration Elig: 570.206 21A CDBG Oper 742,514 Not applicable Promotes effective CDBG, HOME, Not applicable
Provision of funds for administrative costs associated with the City’s CDBG, NO: 570.208(d)(4) ESG and HOPWA administration.
and HOME programs, and oversight of the ESG and HOPWA programs.

United States Veterans Initiative – Homeless Veterans Substance Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 86,006 Community-wide Supports programs for persons of United States
Abuse Program (PS) NO: 570.208(a)(2) low- and moderate-income. Veterans Initiative
Provision of funds to support comprehensive services for veterans with
substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.

Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii – Housing Support Legal Elig: 570.201(e) 05C CDBG Other 190,900 Community-wide Supports legal programs for Volunteer Legal
Program (PS) NO: 570.208(a)(2) persons of low- and moderate-income. Services Hawaii
Provision of funds for staffing and overhead for the Housing Support Legal
Program, that provides legal support for people in emergency and
transitional shelters.

Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center Elig: 570.201(c) 03P CDBG Other 1,536,300 86-260 Farrington Hwy. Supports health services for Waianae Coast
Provision of funds for construction of Phase II improvements NO: 570.208(a)(1) Waianae, HI 96792 persons of low- and moderate-income. Comprehensive
and expansion of the dental and ancillary medical service facilities. Health Center

Windward Spouse Abuse Shelter – Saving One Life at a Time (PS) Elig: 570.201(e) 05G CDBG Other 152,822 Community-wide Supports additional support services Windward Spouse
Provision of funds for staffing and overhead for an emergency shelter for NO: 570.208(a)(2) to victims of domestic violence. Abuse Shelter
victims of domestic violence and the homeless.

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) – Weed and Seed (PS) Elig: 570.201(e) 05I CDBG Other 250,000 Kalihi-Palama Supports programs for persons of Young Men’s
Provision of funds to support the Weed and Seed Project a crime prevention, NO: 570.208(a)(1) Chinatown/Ala Moana low- and moderate-income. Christian
intervention and elimination project in Kalihi-Palama, Downtown-Chinatown/ Waipahu Association
Ala Moana-Kaheka-Sheridan and Waipahu communities.

TOTAL CDBG 13,994,779

CDBG Alternate Projects: Funding up to:

Public Services
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific Foundation – Driver’s Elig: 570.201(e) 05B CDBG Other 27,000 Community-wide Supports programs for persons of low- Rehabilitation Hospital
Evaluation and Training for the Disabled (PS) NO: 570.208(a)(2) and moderate-income. of the Pacific Foundation
Provision of funds to provide evaluation and rehabilitative driver’s training for
persons with disabilities who have been referred by City, State and private
agencies for special assessment and approval for driver’s licenses.

Adult Friends for Youth – Youth Gang Prevention and Rehabilitation Elig: 570.201(e) 05D CDBG Other 115,883 Kalihi area Assists disadvantaged youth. Adult Friends
Program in Public Housing Communities (PS) NO: 570.208(a)(1) for Youth
Provide grant funds to Adult Friends for Youth for a youth gang intervention

Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii – Bench Warrant Recall Elig: 570.201(e) 05C CDBG Other 173,300 Community-wide Supports legal programs for persons of Volunteer Legal
Program (PS) NO: 570.208(a)(2) low- and moderate-income. Services Hawaii
Provision of funds to provide legal services to allow homeless persons to
participate in job readiness programs by removing outstanding non-felonious
bench warrants.

Moiliili Community Center – Senior Support Center (PS) Elig: 570.201(e) 05A CDBG Other 125,000 2535 South King Street Supports community-based services Moiliili Community
Provision of funds to provide services for the elderly. NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96826 for seniors of low- and moderate- Center
Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. (HCAP) – Waianae Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 500,000 85-555 Farrington Hwy. Supports programs for persons of Honolulu
District Center NO: 570.208(a)(1) Waianae, HI 96792 low- and moderate-income. Community Action
Provision of funds to renovate HCAP’s Waianae District Center Program, Inc.
to accommodate existing and new programs.

Alternative Structures International – Ohana Ola O Kahumana Elig: 570.201(c) 14B CDBG Other 276,433 86-704 Lualualei Supports transitional housing for Alternative Structures
Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Families with Minor NO: 570.208(a)(2) Homestead Rd., Waianae, homeless families with minor dependent International
Dependent Children HI 96792 children.
Provision of funds to renovate 14 units in Kahumana Phase I and to add one
additional one-bedroom unit.

Waipahu United Church of Christ – Community Center Elig: 570.201(c) 03A CDBG Other 505,643 94-330 Mokuola Street, Supports community-based services for Waipahu United
Provision of funds to renovate, including ADA renovations, an existing NO: 570.208(a)(2) Waipahu, HI 96797 elderly of low- and moderate-income. Church of Christ
social hall to serve as a Community Center that will house a Senior Activity
Center for adult day care.

Gregory House – Gregory House Renovation Elig: 570.201(c) 03S CDBG Other 403,388 1653 Mott Smith Drive Additional housing and support Gregory House
Provision of funds to support renovation of the Gregory House transitional NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96822 services for persons with HIV/AIDS. Programs
housing facility.

Waikiki Community Center – Electrical Replacement Project Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 737,000 310 Paoakalani Avenue Supports multi-generational on-site Waikiki Community
Provision of funds to correct electrical deficiencies, increase electrical energy NO: 570.208(a)(1) Honolulu, HI 96815 outreach programs and social services. Center
efficiency, provide electrical infrastructure to bring facilities into compliance with
City and International building codes.

Parents and Children Together – Business Start-up Project Elig: 570.201(o) 18C CDBG Other 120,000 Community-wide Provides additional microenterpise Parents and
Provision of funds for microenterprise creation with the Business Start-Up Project NO: 570.208(a)(2) support for persons of low- Children Together
for assessment of at least 40 individuals for entrepreneurship, training and and moderate-income.
coaching; guidance and assitance in creating at least 20 business plans;
Individual Document Accounts with matching funds to accumulate start-up assets;
technical assistance to start and operate at least 20 small home-based
businesses; intensive personalized attention and monitoring for participants.


American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) Elig: Not applicable 13 HOME Oper 35,000 Community-wide Promotes homeownership. Not applicable
Provision of funds for a homeowner downpayment loan program. No. Not applicable

Coalition for Specialized Housing – Hale Mohalu II (CHDO) Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 875,000 TMK: 1-9-7-19:035 Supports additional housing for Coalition for Specialized
Provision of funds for construction of Hale Mohalu, an affordable rental NO: Not applicable 787 Kamehameha Hwy./ persons of low-moderate-income. Housing
housing project. 800 Third Street
Pearl City, HI 96782

Department of Community Services – Elig: Not applicable 21A HOME Oper 177,172 Not applicable Promotes effective administration of the Not applicable
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Administration NO: Not applicable TBRA program.
Provision of funds for the administration and coordination of the City’s
TBRA program.

Department of Community Services – Elig: Not applicable 05S HOME Oper 1,250,000 Community-wide Promotes affordable housing Not applicable
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Program NO: Not applicable opportunities for lower-income
Provision of funds to expand rental assistance services to eligible low- households.
and moderate-income persons.

Downpayment Loan Program Elig: Not applicable 13 HOME Oper 2,000,000 Community-wide Promotes homeownership for Not applicable
Provision of funds for use in the Downpayment NO: Not applicable persons of lower-income.
Loan Program.

Program Administration Elig: Not applicable 21A HOME Oper 176,816 Not applicable Promotes effective CDBG, HOME, Not applicable
Provision of funds for administrative costs associated with the City’s NO: Not applicable ESG and HOPWA administration.
HOME program.
TOTAL HOME 4,513,988

HOME Alternate Projects: Funding up to:

Coalition for Specialized Housing – Hale Mohalu II Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 1,125,000 TMK: 1-9-7-19:035 Supports additional housing for Coalition for
Provision of funds for construction related to Hale Mohalu, an affordable rental NO: Not applicable 787 Kamehameha Hwy./ persons of low- and moderate-income. Specialized Housing
housing project. 800 Third Street
Pearl City, HI 96782

St. Francis Development Corporation – Franciscan Vistas Ewa Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 1,500,000 TMK: 9-1-126: Portion of 9 Supports additional housing for elderly of St. Francis
Provision of funds for affordable housing units and a community center NO: Not applicable 91-1219 Renton Road low- and moderate-income. Development Corporation
for the elderly. Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706

Housing Solutions, Inc. – Seawinds Apartments Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 2,500,000 TMK: 1-8-5-028:044 Promotes affordable housing Housing Solutions,
Provision of funds for building construction of a transitional housing complex NO: Not applicable Kauiokalani Place opportunities for lower-income Inc.
on the Leeward Coast. Waianae, HI 96792 households.

Pacific Housing Assistance Corporation – Villas at Malu’ohai Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 900,000 TMK: 1-9-1-016:064 Promotes affordable housing Pacific Housing
Provision of funds for onsite improvements for the Villas at Malu’ohai, an NO: Not applicable Kapolei, HI 96707 opportunities for lower-income Assistance Corp.
affordable rental apartment complex. households.

Hui Kauhale, Inc. – Kukui Garden Expansion Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 145,000 350-412 N. Beretania St. Promotes affordable housing Hui Kauhale, Inc.
Provision of funds to determine the feasibility of expanding Kukui NO: Not applicable Honolulu, HI 96817 opportunities for lower-income
Gardens Makai affordable housing units. 420-440 N. King Street households.
Honolulu, HI 96817


ESGP 09 – Catholic Charities Maililand Elig: Not applicable 03T ESG Other 60,000 87-190 & 87-191 Supports programs for homeless Catholic Charities
Provision of grant funds for operating expenses related to NO: Not applicable Maliona St. persons.
the Maililand facility, a family transitional shelter. Waianae, HI 96792

ESGP 09 – Child and Family Service Elig: Not applicable 03T ESG Other 50,000 Suppressed Supports programs for homeless Child and Family
Provision of grant funds for operating expenses related to NO: Not applicable persons. Service
domestic abuse shelters.

ESGP 09 – Hale Kipa Elig: 570.201(e) 03T CDBG Other 60,000 1326 Keeaumoku St. Supports programs for homeless Hale Kipa, Inc.
Provision of grant funds for operating expenses and essential NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96814 persons.
services related to a transitional living program.

ESGP 09 – Hoomau Ke Ola Elig: Not applicable 05 ESG Other 40,000 84-1006 A & B Supports programs for homeless Hoomau Ke Ola
Provision of grant funds for essential services related to NO: Not applicable Farrington Hwy. persons.
homeless substance abusers on the Waianae Coast. Waianae, HI 96792

ESGP 09 – Housing Solutions Loliana Elig: 570.201(e) 03T CDBG Other 20,000 565 Quinn Lane Supports programs for homeless Housing Solutions,
Provision of grant funds for operating expenses and essential NO: 570.208(a)(2) ESG 40,004 Honolulu, HI 96813 persons. Inc.
services related to the Loliana facility, a transitional shelter.

ESGP 09 – Housing Solutions Vancouver Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 20,000 2019 Vancouver Dr. Supports programs for homeless Housing Solutions,
Provision of grant funds for essential services related to NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96822 persons. Inc.
the Vancouver facility, a transitional shelter.

ESGP 09 – Institute for Human Services Elig: 570.201(e) 03T CDBG Other 102,452 350 Sumner St. Supports programs for homeless Institute for
Provision of grant funds for operating expenses related to NO: 570.208(a)(2) ESG 107,548 Honolulu, HI 96817 persons. Human Services
the Sumner Street facility, an emergency shelter for men.

ESGP 09 – Kahumana Elig: Not applicable 03T ESG Other 25,000 86-443 Kuwale Road & Supports programs for homeless Ohana Ola O
Provision of grant funds for operating expenses related to NO: Not applicable 86-705 Lualualei persons. Kahumana
the Kahumana transitional shelter. Homestead Road
Waianae, HI 96792

ESGP 09 – Kalihi-Palama Health Center Elig: Not applicable 05 ESG Other 83,900 546 Ka’aahi Street Supports programs for homeless Kalihi-Palama
Provision of grant funds for essential services related to NO: Not applicable Honolulu, HI 96817 persons. Health Center
health clinic services at the IHS Women and Families Shelter.

ESGP 09 – Mental Health Kokua Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 200,000 41 South Beretania St. Supports programs for homeless Mental Health
Provision of grant funds for essential services related to NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96813 persons. Kokua
the Safe Haven transitional shelter.

ESGP 09 – U.S. Vets Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 30,000 Building 1772 Supports programs for homeless United States
Provision of grant funds for essential services related to NO: 570.208(a)(2) Shangrila Road persons. Veterans Initiative
the Kalaeloa program for homeless veterans. Kalaeloa, HI 96707

ESGP 09 – Windward Spouse Abuse Elig: Not applicable 03T ESG Other 26,000 Suppressed Supports programs for homeless Windward Spouse
Provision of grant funds for operating expenses related to NO: Not applicable persons. Abuse Shelter
a domestic violence shelter.

* Note also includes CBDG Matching Funds TOTAL ESG/CDBG MATCH 864,904


HOPWA 09 – Administration Elig: Not applicable 31B HOPWA Other 12,990 Not applicable Supports housing and support Not applicable
Provision of funds for administrative support of the HOPWA NO: Not applicable services for persons with HIV/AIDS.

HOPWA 09 – Gregory House Programs Elig: Not applicable 31C HOPWA Other 330,097 Community-wide Additional housing and support Gregory House
Provision of grant funds for rental assistance and supportive NO: Not applicable services for persons with HIV/AIDS. Programs
services to support persons with HIV/AIDS.

HOPWA 09 – Life Foundation Elig: Not applicable 31C HOPWA Other 89,913 Community-wide Additional housing and support Life Foundation
Provision of grant funds for short term rent, utility and NO: Not applicable services for persons with HIV/AIDS.
mortgage payments, supportive services and emergency
rental/housing assistance to support persons with HIV/AIDS.


GRAND TOTAL 19,806,671

The public is advised that the City and County of Honolulu may incur preaward costs under the CDBG and HOME programs that will not exceed 25% of the current CDBG and HOME allocations. CDBG and HOME funds will be used to reimburse the City when funds become available, subject to sufficient funding from the HUD. Should funds not be available, the City will cover the costs or future funding for CDBG and HOME projects will be reduced.

In addition, pursuant to the HUD Workout Agreement, the City is required to prepare a list of alternate projects, listed above, that will be funded in the event that the selected projects cannot be implemented. The City may permit their funding in the subsequent fiscal year if there are insufficient funds in the current year.

The Final Fifteenth (15th) Year Action Plan will be submitted to HUD on or around May 15, 2009. Copies of the Final Fifteenth (15th) Year Action Plan are available for public review at the Municipal Reference Library,
City Hall Annex, 558 South King Street, Honolulu, and on the City’s website at:

Persons wishing to provide comments on the City’s Final Fifteenth (15th) Year Action Plan should submit their correspondence by May 13, 2009 to:

Holly Kawano, Federal Grants Coordinator Rix Maurer III, Director
Department of Budget and Fiscal Services Department of Budget and Fiscal Services
City and County of Honolulu By order of MUFI HANNEMANN, MAYOR
530 South King Street, Room 208 City and County of Honolulu
Honolulu, HI 96813