Public Health Preparedness Program Manager
Responsible for directing and coordinating planning, training, infrastructure support and improvement, and program development activities within State Health Department to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies funded by CDC Cooperative Agreement. Collaborates with public and private agencies to ensure program integration and leveraging of resources.
Position requires experience in program management, emergency preparedness/response, and public health.
Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps Coordinator
Responsibilities of this position include: Recruit and manage volunteers for public health surge capacity; Oversee training (including creating schedule providing training, supervision of training contractor, and tracking); Coordinate volunteer background checks and credentialing, review and revise policies and procedures as needed; Advise on financial needs and funding sources for MRC units; Provide support and coordination to neighbor island MRC units; Interface with national MRC staff; Maintain local website and page on national MRC website; Participate in public, private, and community meetings on issues pertaining to volunteer programs; Further local partnerships for public health emergency response; Plan for utilization of public health volunteers in alternate care sites, point of distribution clinics, and air traveler screening.
Submit a letter of interest, resume including salary history
and three (3) references by COB August 8, 2008 to:
DOH/BT Branch, 1132 Bishop Street, # 1900, Honolulu, HI 96813.
Fax No. (808) 587-6885.
An Equal Opportunity Employer