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Notice #: 0000041950-01
Public Hearings



DOCKET NO. 2008-0070

The PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION of the STATE OF HAWAII (“Commission”), pursuant to Section 269-27.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE, that it will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 14, 2008, at 6:00 p.m., at Kapolei High School Cafeteria (91-5007 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei, Hawaii 96707). This public hearing concerns the application of HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. (“HECO”), filed on April 18, 2008, for Commission approval of HECO’s proposal to construct 46 kilovolt (“kV”) temporary and permanent overhead and permanent underground sub-transmission lines, pursuant to Section 269-27.6(a), HRS, for Item Y00119, the Kaloi Substation (“Proposed Project”).
The Proposed Project would principally serve the University of Hawaii’s new West Oahu (“UHWO”) campus and the surrounding developments in the Ewa plains on Oahu. The UHWO campus requested service in 2009. HECO determined that there was insufficient existing capacity to serve the UHWO campus and the surrounding area. HECO concluded that a new distribution substation with provisions for the installation of four distribution substation transformers within the UHWO campus, south of Farrington Highway, is required. HECO would construct new 46kV circuit extensions from the existing Waiau-Steel Mill and CEIP46 46kV circuits (which traverse along the railroad tracks that will intersect the proposed North South Road) north to the new Kaloi Substation. HECO would install the new 46kV circuit extensions on the existing steel poles holding the Waiau-CIP 138kV Lines, Part 1, along North South Road. The current estimated capital cost (excluding customer contributions) for the Proposed Project, overall, is approximately $14.3 million.
The Proposed Project includes the installation of approximately 25,680 circuit feet (two 46kV circuits) of 477 KCM ACSS 46kV overhead conductors on the existing steel poles (P29 to P54A) of the Waiau-CIP 138kV Lines, Part 1, along North South Road. The existing steel poles were designed and built to accommodate the proposed 46kV lines and, thus, only the design and fabrication of new steel arms (including insulators) are required. The existing CEIP46 and Waiau-Steel Mill 46kV circuits would be tapped at their intersection with the Waiau-CIP steel pole line (at the potential intersection of North South Road and Roosevelt Avenue), and would require the installation of four 70 foot 46kV steel poles and three 46kV switches. Two of the switches would be installed on the existing Waiau-CEIP steel poles near the intersection of North South Road and Kapolei Parkway, while the third switch would be installed on an existing wood pole near Roosevelt Avenue and Waiau-CEIP steel pole P29.
Additional 46kV line work for the Proposed Project would involve continuing the extension of the CEIP46 and Waiau-Steel Mill 46kV sub-transmission lines to feed the new Kaloi Substation. The two new 46kV sub-transmission line extensions would be installed underground across North South Road and temporarily overhead from the Kapolei-side of North South Road through the UHWO property to the Kaloi Substation, with plans to underground the lines in the future. The underground crossing of the North South Road would require the installation of six 65-foot wood poles for two 46kV risers and two switches on the Honolulu-side of North South Road. These risers and switches would be used to riser down the 46kV circuit extensions on the Honolulu-side of North South Road. HECO would install approximately 560 circuit feet (two 46kV circuits) of 1500 KCM PEIJ 46kV underground cable in the ducts built by the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) crossing under North South Road.
Due to conflicts with an existing DOT temporary 50-foot construction easement on the UHWO property, HECO is proposing to install temporary overhead 46kV lines from the Kapolei-side of North South Road through the UHWO property to the Kaloi Substation. For this, HECO would temporarily install eight wood poles and approximately 900 circuit feet (two 46kV circuits) of 556.5 KCM AL 46kV overhead conductors within a 90-foot wide temporary easement (that the UHWO will grant HECO) from a manhole on the Kapolei-side of North South Road to the Kaloi Substation. However, HECO may not need to construct these temporary 46kV overhead lines if the DOT completes its construction of the North South Road prior to December 2009.
Upon completion of the North South Road, HECO would install approximately 1,100 linear feet of eight 5″ 46kV ducts from the Kaloi Substation to the Kapolei-side of North South Road to intercept the eight 5″ ducts installed by the DOT. Additionally, HECO would install four 7’-2″ x 16’ manholes. A perpetual easement without a relocation provision at HECO’s expense would be obtained from the UHWO for all of the underground ductlines. Approximately, 2,200 circuit feet (two 46kV circuits) of 1500 KCM PEIJ 46kV underground cable would be installed in the new underground ducts built by HECO from the Kaloi Substation to the 46kV lines previously installed underground across North South Road. In all, the 46kV line work is estimated to cost approximately $4.6 million of the overall projected $14.3 million cost of the Proposed Project.
Aside from the work described above, the Proposed Project would also involve: (1) the construction of a new low-profile system distribution substation (including the installation of two 46-12.47kV, 10/12.5 MVA, low-sound transformers and other equipment) within the UHWO campus; (2) the installation of approximately 500 circuit feet of 12.47kV primary underground service lines from the new Kaloi Substation to a designated demarcation point directly outside of the substation; (3) the extension of approximately 2,800 feet of all-dielectric self-supporting (“ADSS”) telecommunications fiber in underground ducts across North South Road and to the new substation; (4) the temporary installation of approximately 2,000 feet of ADSS telecommunications fiber; and (5) the acquisition of the land for the Kaloi Substation and easements for all of the proposed lines. Given the material lead times and the required permits and approvals for the Proposed Project, HECO is targeting to put the Kaloi Substation in service by July 2010. For a more detailed description of the 46kV line work and other portions of the project, please refer to HECO’s application for Commission approval of the Proposed Project, which is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the locations listed below.
All interested persons are urged to attend the public hearing to state their views orally, in writing, or both. Written statements may be submitted prior to or at the public hearing. Statements may be mailed or delivered to the Public Utilities Commission, 465 South King Street, #103, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813. Statements may also be sent by electronic mail to the Commission’s e-mail address at All written statements should reference Docket No. 2008-0070 and include the following information: (1) name of the person submitting the written statement; (2) organization representing (if any); and (3) address of the person submitting the written statement.
Copies of the application and supporting exhibits are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the following locations:

465 South King Street, Room 103
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: (808) 586-2020

335 Merchant Street, Room 326
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: (808) 586-2800

Central Pacific Plaza, Suite 1301
220 South King Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: (808) 543-4787

Special arrangements to accommodate persons with disabilities can be made if requested reasonably in advance of the public hearing by contacting the Commission’s Honolulu Office at (808) 586 2020.

Carlito P. Caliboso
(SB41950 6/22, 6/30, 7/7, 7/13/08)~