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Notice #: 0000017228-01
Public Notices


The Research Corporation of the University of Hawai`i (“RCUH”) is hereby giving notice of the cancellation of solicitation for a General Contractor (“GC”) to provide Pre-Construction and Construction Services for the University of Hawai`i West Oahu (\u00D3UHWO\u00D3) Campus Development Phase 1 in Kapolei, Oahu due to inconsistencies between the Legal Notice in the Honolulu Advertiser on December 17, 2007 and the Request for Qualifications (\u00D3RFQ\u00D3).

To correct these inconsistencies, RCUH will initiate a new procurement process, through the use of a one-step Request for Proposal (\u00D3RFP\u00D3) process.

The new University of Hawai`i West O\u00D5ahu Campus Development Phase 1 in Kapolei (the \u00D3Project\u00D3) consists of building facilities for an initial enrollment of 1,520 students. The Project includes both the 38.7 Acre Site Development and the 440 Water System. The 38.7 Acre Site Development includes six buildings – Administration, Campus Center, Library, Classrooms 1A and 1B, and Maintenance totaling an estimated 232,120 gross square feet and a total land area of approximately 38.7 acres. Site improvements will include an entry plaza, parking for approximately 760 cars and landscaping. The project is incorporating sustainable design and will seek LEED certification. The new potable 440 Water System consists of a 2.5 MG reservoir, a booster pump station and approximately 25,000 feet of pipelines. Construction is planned to commence in the second quarter of 2009. Construction costs are difficult to predict, but are estimated to be in the range of $85-100 million.

The GC\u00D5s pre-construction design-assist services will be performed in coordination with the RCUH, the University of Hawai`i and the project design team and will be performed concurrent with the Project\u00D5s final design and construction documents phases. This is expected to promote project quality, cost management and efficient scheduling. The project management and design teams recognize that having the GC as a proactive contractor assisting the RCUH, the University of Hawai`i , the architect and the engineers during the pre-construction design and construction documentation phases will develop the best project relative to quality, cost and schedule. Continuity of services on the Project is especially desirable. It is expected that the GC selected for pre-construction design-assist services will become the constructor through negotiation of a construction contract. However, should RCUH and the selected GC not come to agreement on the construction contract, RCUH shall have the right, at its discretion, to make other arrangements for obtaining construction services for the Project.

Proposers are asked to address the criteria stated in the RFP. Proposals will be evaluated on a broad range of requirements that will include the criteria stated in the RFP.

The RFP detailing the submittal requirements may be requested from Thompson Matheny Corporation by email to Requests shall be received no later than 3:00 p.m., Friday, April 4, 2008. General Contractors shall pick up the RFP\u00D5s from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 from the office of Thompson Matheny Corporation at 733 Bishop Street, Suite 2788, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.
(SB17228 3/21/08)