State of Hawaii
Department of Health
Downtown Oahu
$3, 124/mo., $3, 376/mo. & $3, 652/mo.
Plans, organizes, performs complex investigational & educational activities for disease outbreak control & surveillance; provides expertise for statewide surveillance of communicable disease & certain non-communicable conditions; investigates individual cases & outbreaks of new, rare or serious illness; implements disease prevention & control measures; & assists in reviewing work of lower-level & neighbor island epidemiological specialists in the Disease Investigation Branch.
Lihue, Kauai $3, 652/mo.
Coordinates w/ Oahu positions to operate the communicable disease surveillance, control & prevention program on Kauai
Req. bachelors deg. Incl. coursework in biological sciences; 6 mos. of exp. for level II, 1-1/2 yrs. for level III, and 2-1/2 yrs. for level IV, which required knowledge & application of principles, practices, methods & techniques in identification, prevention & control of communicable disease, include. exp. comparable to next lower level. Appropriate substitutions allowed. Valid drivers license required.
Apply via the Dept. of Human Resources
Development online application system at
Recruitment #s 206344 (II), 206345 (III) & 207180 (IV) for Oahu & #207084 (IV) for Kauai, continuous until needs are met.
For position-specific information, please call appropriate island contact:
Oahu (Nancy) at (808) 587-6596; or
Kauai (John) at (808) 241-3497
An Equal Opportunity Employer