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Notice #: 05529026



For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution


Assoc/Full Specialist, The Mental Health Svcs Research, Eval & Training Prog Assoc/Full Spec (, UHM Coll of Social Sci, Manoa; #84943T; temporary; closes 07/07/07; 808-539-3941


Assistant Professor I3,
UHM School of Medicine – Psychiatry, Queen\u2019s University Tower; #0082365T; temporary; closes 05/07/07; 808-586-5906

Assistant Professor, UHM SHAPS, Manoa; #83680T; temporary; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-6085

Assistant Professor of Hawaiian & Hawaiian Studies, UH Hilo, Hilo; #86427; closes 05/31/07; 808-974-7342, fax: 808-974-7736

Instructor, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Physics & Astronomy, Manoa; #84218T; temporary; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-7087

Instructor CC (Biology and Ecology), Math/Science Dept, Kapi\u2019olani Community College; #86653T; closes 05/14/07; 808-734-9356

Instructor CC (Director of Talent Search), Readvertisement, Windward Community College; #85216T; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-235-7466

Instructor CC (Microbiology, Biotechnology & Biology), Math/Science Dept, Kapi\u2019olani Community College; #86586T; closes 05/14/07; 808-734-9356

Junior Researcher, Public Health, Manoa; #0087399T; continuous recruitment; 808-956-2702

Junior Researcher (Researcher/ Evaluator), UHM Social Work, Manoa; #0083069T; temporary; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-6239

Junior Researcher (Researcher/ Evaluator), UHM Social Work, Manoa; #0083301T; temporary; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-6239

Junior Specialist (Assistant Project Coordinator), UHM Social Work, Manoa; #0083941T; temporary; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-9611

Professor, Mental Health Services, Public Health, Manoa; #0084013T; temporary; closes 05/09/07; 808-956-5779


Academic Support PBA,
UHM College of Social Sciences, Manoa; #0080639, Department of Anthropology; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-8193

Academic Support PBA (Educational Specialist), UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Marine Opt Program, Manoa; #77708T; temporary; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-4748 or 808-956-0975

Information Technology Specialist PBB (IT Specialist), Readvertisement, Ofc of the Chancellor, UHM, Manoa; #0078219; closes 05/08/07; 808-956-4036

Institutional Support PBA (Admin & Fiscal Supp Spec), Readvertisement, Ofc of the Vice Chancellor for Admin, Finance & Oper, Manoa; #77582; closes 05/31/07; 808-956-5495

Institutional Support PBA (Program Mgr for Principal Investigator), Dept of Sociology starting 05/07, UHM Coll of Social Sci, Manoa; #78434T; temporary; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-7693

Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal Accounting Specialist), Readvertisement, Ofc of Research Svcs, Manoa; #78363T; 78365T; 78369T; temporary; closes 05/03/07; 808-956-7800

Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal Accounting Specialist), Readvertisement, Ofc of Research Svcs, Manoa; #0080139; closes 05/03/07; 808-956-7800

Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal/Program Spec), UHM SOEST, Manoa; #0078347T & 0077429T (2 posns), Financial Mgmt Systems Ofc; temporary; closes 05/09/07; 808-956-8910

Institutional Support PBB (Personnel Officer), Readvertisement, UHM Facilities & Grounds, Manoa; #81200; closes 05/10/07; 808-956-7965

Institutional Support PBC (Accounting Manager), Office of Research Services, Manoa; #80206; closes 05/03/07; 808-956-7800

Instructional & Student Support PBA (STAR Support Specialist), Readvertisement, Ofc of the Chancellor, UHM, Manoa; #0078349; closes 05/08/07; 808-956-4036,

Instructional & Student Support PBB, Readvertisement, Science Education, UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; #0077417T; temporary; closes 05/08/07; 808-956-6918

Instructional & Student Support PBB (Registrar), Windward Community College; #81332; closes 05/14/07; 808-235-7466

Research Support PBB (HMSA Partnership Project Coord), School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene, Manoa; #0078417T; temporary; closes 05/04/07; 808-956-5429

UH Assistant Men\u2019s Volleyball Coach, UH Athletics, Manoa; #79902T; temporary; closes 05/03/07

For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view: