Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 91, the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC), Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, State of Hawaii, gives notice of amendments to the State of Hawaii Action Plan for Program Year 2006-2007 (2006 Action Plan). The purpose of these amendments is to provide the public with additional information on the use of HOME funds and program performance in the Counties of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui.
The 2006 Action Plan is available for review at regional libraries and may be accessed from HHFDCs website at The 2006 Action Plan presents a strategy for the investment of federal HOME Investment Partnerships, Emergency Shelter Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS funds to address the affordable and supportive housing needs of low and moderate-income households in the Counties of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui. As reported in the 2006 Action Plan, approximately $3,033,655 in new HOME funds would be available for use in the counties of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui to assist in constructing 20 self-help housing units; developing 65 rental units (including 53 units for special needs groups); providing tenant-based rental assistance for 30 households; developing transitional housing; and providing financial assistance to 3 first-time homebuyers. The 2006 Action Plan also reported that the County of Kauai anticipated receiving $155,072 in HOME program income during the program year and anticipated using these funds for gap financing at County-owned rental projects (e.g., Kalepa Village, Paanau Village), self-help projects, and homebuyer loans.
The 2006 Action Plan will be amended to reflect the amounts and uses of other available HOME program funds including program income, new recaptured funds, and the prior balance of HOME funds available for use. The following table shows the available HOME funds (as of March 15, 2007) for the Counties of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui that were previously not reported.
Source of HOME Funds Hawaii Kauai Maui
Program Income (New) 0 184,972.11 69,153.00
Recaptured Funds (New) 115,374.69 186,272.44 739,970.78
Prior Balance Remaining
Program Income/Recaptured Funds 18,818.86 282,819.59 0
HOME Funds Released from Projects
Due to Use of Program Income/
Recaptured Funds (New) 134,193.55 635,566.93 489,424.61
Prior Balance of HOME Funds Available
-Released from Projects Due to Use of
Program Income/Recaptured Funds
(Previously Unreported) 0 1,444,351.82 0
Prior Balance of HOME Funds Available
– Released from Completed/Closed-
Out Projects (Previously Unreported) 0 0 2,191,903.21
Unallocated HOME Program Funds $268,387.10 $2,733,982.89 $3,490,451.60
Uses of HOME Funds Hawaii Kauai Maui
Hualalai Elderly Rental Project -103,343.62
Tenant Based Rental Assistance
Program -111,709.07
Administrative Expenses -28,163.99
Kauais Homebuyer Loan Program -42,356.00
Kalepa Village Phase III -522,576.91
American Dream Downpayment Program -10,644.00
Administrative Expenses -78,487.23
Lokahi Pacific First Time Homebuyers Program -295,232.13
Wailuku Small Business Center -481,178.23
Administrative Expenses -8,246.38
COMMITMENT $25,170.42 $2,079,918.75 $2,705,794.86
The available HOME funds are anticipated to be used by the Counties as follows:
County of Hawaii
The 2006 Action Plan stated that $21,862.21 in additional HOME funds was anticipated to be used for the County of Hawaiis Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program. The 2006 Action Plan will be amended to reflect that the entire $25,170.42 in additional HOME funds is anticipated to be used for TBRA.
County of Kauai
The 2006 Action Plan identified $1,400,000 in additional HOME funds was anticipated to be used for the County of Kauais Kalepa Village Phase 4 affordable rental housing project. The 2006 Action Plan will be amended to reflect that $2,079,918.75 in additional HOME funds is anticipated to be used for Kalepa Village Phase 4.
The 2006 Action Plan also stated that the County of Kauai anticipated receiving $155,072 in new HOME program income principally from repayment of first-time homebuyer mortgage loans and that these funds were anticipated to be used for gap financing at County-owned rental projects (e.g., Kalepa Village, Paanau Village), self-help projects, and homebuyer loans. The 2006 Action Plan will be amended to clarify that these funds are anticipated to be utilized for the Kalepa Village Phase 4 Project.
County of Maui
The 2006 Action Plan did not report on the availability of $2,705,794.86 in additional HOME funds in the County of Maui. The 2006 Action Plan will be amended to reflect that the County anticipates using $195,000 of these funds for the Wailuku Small Business Center and $700,000 for the Hale Mahaolu Ehiku senior rental housing project. The County is currently reviewing uses for the remaining balance of $1,810,794.86.
Comments on the amendments to the 2006 Action Plan are welcome beginning on March 30, 2007. Please provide written comments by April 30, 2007 to the HHFDC at 677 Queen Street, Suite 300, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, Attn: Planning and Evaluation Office. Written comments may also be submitted via fax to (808) 587-0600 by 4:30 p.m. on April 30, 2007. A summary of the comments received and a summary of any comments not accepted by the HHFDC and the reasons therefor, will be attached to the amended 2006 Action Plan.
Persons with special needs (i.e., needing proposed amendments to the 2006 Action Plan in large print or taped) shall make all requests to the HHFDC by calling Ms. Medy Esmena at (808) 587-0634. Persons on the Neighbor Islands may call the following numbers:
Hawaii 974-4000, ext. 70634
Kauai 274-3141, ext. 70634
Maui 984-2400, ext. 70634
Molokai and Lanai 1-800-468-4644, ext. 70634
The HHFDC does not discriminate against any persons because of race, color, religion, sex, including gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, familial status, ancestry, age, marital status, or HIV infection.
Orlando Dan Davidson
Executive Director
Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation
State of Hawaii
Date of publication: March 30, 2007
Honolulu Star Bulletin
Hawaii Tribune Herald
West Hawaii Today
The Garden Island
The Maui News (SB01534923 3/30/07)
Notice #: 03511151