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Notice #: 05528315

State of Hawaii
Department of Transportation
Highways Division

Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program for the
Counties of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai
Call for Projects

Submittal Deadline: April 20, 2007, 4:30 p.m.

Transportation Enhancement (TE) is a federal program that encourages activities that enhance the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the surface transportation system. State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation (HDOT) administers this program through a four (4) year Transportation Enhancement Plan that is updated every three (3) years.

As a part of the current effort to update the TE Plan for Federal Fiscal Years 2008 to 2011, HDOT encourages public agencies and private organizations to develop and submit applications for proposed projects that enhance the surface transportation system through the pursuit of one or more of the federal Transportation Enhancement program.

Approximately $3.7 million per year is set aside for TE activities statewide. TE projects are eligible for federal assistance up to 80% of the project cost with the remaining 20% “match” provided locally. To provide greater regional input and an enhanced cooperative, comprehensive, and continuing process; TE applications are received through the following Regional TE Coordinating Agencies and evaluated and regionally prioritized by their respective Regional TE Evaluation Committees and Regional TE Policy Committees:

€ County of Hawaii – Hawaii DOT, Highways Division, Hawaii District Office
(808) 933-8866

€ County of Maui – Hawaii DOT, Highways Division, Maui District Office
(808) 873-3538

€ County of Kauai – Hawaii DOT, Highways Division, Kauai District Office
(808) 241-3000

The Regional TE Evaluation Committees will evaluate all completed proposal applications and the Regional TE Policy Committees shall approve the regional prioritized ranking of proposed projects. Following regional review and approval of prioritized ranking of project proposals, HDOT will prepare a consolidated statewide- prioritized list of proposed TE projects that will guide the use of these federal TE funds.

Information on the TE policy and process as well as the TE project
proposal application for can be obtained on the web at

The deadline for submitting TE project proposal applications to the respective Regional TE Coordinating Agencies is April 20, 2007 at 4:30 p.m.

Additional questions and information on the Statewide TE Program can be obtained by contacting the Departmental TE Program Manager, Ken Tatsuguchi at (808) 587-6336, fax at (808) 587-1787, or email at

Barry Fukunaga
DIRECTOR (SB05528315 3/30/07)