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Notice #: 03510814
Public Notices


Pursuant to Section 107(a) and (b) [Title 49, United States Code, Section 47506] of the Airport Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979, as amended, notice is hereby given that on October 16, 2006, the Federal Aviation Administration has completed its evaluation of, and has formally accepted the Noise Exposure Maps for the Honolulu International Airport, located in Honolulu, Hawaii that were prepared pursuant to Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 150 (14 CFR Part 150). These maps and supporting documentation are available for public review at the offices of the State of Hawaii, DOT, Airports Division, 400 Rodgers Blvd., Suite 700, Honolulu, HI, 96819-1880; or FAA Western-Pacific Region, Honolulu Airports District Office, 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm. 7-128, Honolulu, HI 96850; or FAA Western-Pacific Region, Airports Division, 15000 Aviation Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90261.
(SB03510814 2/18, 2/21, 2/23/07)