Department of Public Works
Parks Division
County of Kauai
The County of Kauai, Department of Public Works, Parks Division hereby gives notice that it will hold a public informational meeting on the Kapaa Soccer Park Project. This informational meeting will be held as follows:
Thursday, October 26, 2006
6:30 8:30 p.m.
Kapaa Neighborhood Center
4491 Kou Street
Kapaa, HI 96746
This project is located within the Kawaihau District on the Island of Kauai and will involve the development of a new soccer park in the town of Kapaa. The proposed park is expected to have two soccer fields along with park related amenities such as a comfort station, drinking fountains, jogging/walking path, and paved parking.
Planning work for this project is now being conducted to address impacts that may be associated with this project. Therefore, this informational meeting will be held to solicit comments from the public to assist in the development of this soccer park.
Individuals who require special needs accommodations are asked to call Mr. Mel Nishihara of the County Department of Public Works at (808) 241-6671 at least three working days prior to the meeting. (SB05525222 10/13/06)