Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
Land Development Division
IFB No.: 07-HHL-001
Sealed bids for IFB-07-HHL-001 for East Kapolei Offsite Trunk Sewer, Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii, (TMK [1] 9-1-16: por. 27, 31, por. 108, 109; 9-1-69: por. 1) will be received by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), Land Development Division at 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1230, Honolulu, Hawaii, until 2:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time, Wednesday, October 18, 2006, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for opening or delivered elsewhere other than specified herein, will not be considered.
The project consists of construction of approximately 6,250 lineal feet of 42-inch and 30-inch sewer lines and appurtenances from the existing 42-inch Kapolei Interceptor Sewer to the future Kapolei Parkway and along the future North-South Road. Also included in the work is the construction of 18-, 15-, and 8-inch sewer laterals or sewer diversions. The alignment crosses over two Hawaiian Railway Society railroad tracks which will be removed and replaced after the installation of the new sewer crossings under the tracks.
To be eligible to submit a bid, the Bidder and/or its subcontractors must possess all required valid State of Hawaii licenses and specialty licenses needed to perform the work for this project. A surety bid bond will be required for this IFB.
This project is subject to Section 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to the requirements for Equal Employment Opportunity, and to the payment of not less than the prevailing salaries and wages promulgated by the State of Hawaii, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.
Bid documents may be examined at or obtained from the DHHL at 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1230, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.
A compact disc (CD) containing the construction plans, specifications, instructions, terms and conditions, and geotechnical report may be obtained on or after September 18, 2006 upon payment of $10.00 (cash or cashier\u2019s check payable to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands personal checks, business checks, and credit cards will not be accepted). Payments are non-refundable.
A PRE-BID MEETING will be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, at 9:30 a.m. at the DHHL 20th Floor Conference Room, 1099 Alakea Street. A JOB-SITE VISIT will be held on Wednesday, September 27, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., starting at the east end of Kapolei Parkway. All potential interested bidders, offerors, subcontractors, and union representatives are invited to attend. Attendance in not mandatory. Persons needing special accommodations due to a disability may contact Mr. Darrell Ing via facsimile at (808) 586-3923.
Written NOTICE OF INTENT TO BID is required and must be received by the DHHL, Land Development Division no later than ten (10) days prior to the date/time advertised for opening of bids. Submittal of Notice of Intent to Bid by facsimile at (808) 586-3923 is acceptable.
A properly executed and notarized STANDARD OF QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE FOR OFFERERS SPO-21 form (\u201DQuestionnaire\u201D), must be submitted to the DHHL for evaluation no later than eight (8) days prior to the date advertised for the opening of bids, unless the bidder has previously filed a Questionnaire with the DHHL within the previous two years. The Questionnaire can be downloaded at the State Procurement Office website:, under Forms, Vendors/Contractors.
Bids must comply with the requirements of the IFB. Bids that do not comply with the IFB are subject to disqualification. DHHL reserves the right to amend the IFB by written addenda, to reject any and all proposals, or to waive any defects in said proposals where DHHL deems it is in the best interest of the State.
Questions regarding this project may be directed in writing to Mr. Darrell Ing, DHHL Land Development Division, P.O. Box 1079, Honolulu, HI 96805, or via fax at (808) 586-3923.
Micah A. Kane, Chairman
Hawaiian Homes Commission
Posted on the internet at:
(SB03510105 9/18/06)