For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution
Chancellor, University of Hawai\u2019i at Mânoa, Office of the Chancellor, UHM, Manoa; #0089261; continuous recruitment; 808-956-5885
Assistant or Associate Professor, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Mathematics, Manoa; #82943 and 83478; continuous recruitment; 808-956-8792
Assistant Professor in Special Education, UHM College of Education, Manoa; #0083987; continuous recruitment; 808-956-7956, fax: 808-956-4345
Associate or Full Professor, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Mathematics, Manoa; #84178; closes 12/20/06; 808-956-8792
Instructor CC (Cooperative Vocational Education), Kauai Community College; #86744; closes 08/29/06; 808-245-8372
Instructor CC in Mathematics (Readvertisement), Kapiolani CC, Math/Science Dept; #83939; closes 08/29/06; 808-734-9356
Instructor CC or Assistant Professor CC (Long Term Care Program Coordinator), Readvertisement, Kapiolani CC, Health Sciences; #74787; closes 08/29/06; 808-734-9518
Junior/Assistant Specialist S2M11/S3M11 (Program Manager), UHM Sch of Med – Cell & Molecular Biology, Kaka\u2019ako campus; #85030T; temporary; closes 08/21/06; 808-692-1569
Junior Specialist (Aging & Disability Resource Center State-Level Project Leader), UHM Social Work, Manoa; #085889T; temporary; closes 08/21/06; 808-586-7319
Academic Support PBA (Educational Specialist), Kauai Community College; #78157; closes 08/29/06; 808-245-8372
Allied Health and Safety PBB (Occupational Safety & Health Specialist), Environmental Health & Safety Office, Manoa; #80411; closes 08/24/06; 808-956-3198
Information Technology Specialist (Middleware Programmer), ITS-Manoa; #78185; closes 08/29/06. For more info and how to apply, visit:
Institutional Support PBA (Personnel Officer), Honolulu Community College; #77020; closes 08/29/06; 808-847-9843
Institutional Support PBA (Administrative & Fiscal Support Specialist), UHM Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Dept, Manoa; #0078167; closes 08/21/06; 808-956-7167
Institutional Support PBA (Administrative & Fiscal Support Specialist), UHM SOEST, Manoa; #77403T, Financial Mgmt Systems Unit; temporary; closes 08/22/06; 808-956-8910
Institutional Support PBA (Volunteer Coordinator), UHM Waikiki Aquarium, Manoa; #0078093T; temporary; closes 08/25/06; 808-440-9008
Institutional Support PBB (Administrative Officer), Lyon Arboretum, Manoa; #0078036; closes 08/25/06; 808-956-8378
Instructional and Student Support PBA (UH Educ & Acad Support Sp), UH Hilo, Hilo; #77647T; temporary; closes 08/28/06; 808-974-7621, fax: 808-974-7711
Instructional and Student Support PBA, Kapiolani Community College; #78145T; closes 8/29/06; 808-734-9302
Instructional and Student Support PBB (ASUH Operations Manager), UHM Student Affairs, Co-curricular Activities; #0081510; closes 08/30/06; 808-956-4820
Instructional and Student Support PBA (Financial Aid Officer), extension of closing date, Leeward Community College; #78119T; half-time; temporary; closes 08/17/06; 808-455-0326
Public Information, Public Events Planning & Publications PBB (Editor), UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; #78152T Curriculum Research & Dev Group; temporary; closes 08/25/06; 808-956-7740
Research Support PBA (Aquarium Biologist), UHM Waikiki Aquarium, Manoa; #0077757T; temporary; closes 09/05/06; 808-440-9022
Research Support PBA, UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences, Hilo; #78176T; temporary; closes 08/24/06; 808-956-7765
Research Support PBA, UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Tropical Plant & Soil Science, Hilo, Hawaii; #77357T; temporary; closes 08/24/06; 808-981-2830
Lecturer, Masters of Education in Teaching (MEdT) – Middle Level and/or Secondary, UHM College of Education, Manoa; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-4414
Lecturers (Transportation & Trades Programs), Hon Comm Coll, Non-tenurial, lecturer candidate pool; assignments as needed, contingent on availability of funds; 808-845-9183
Lecturers, UHM School of Medicine – Speech Pathology, Manoa; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-5484
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Physics and Astronomy, High Energy Physics Group, Manoa; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-2939
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view: