For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution
Director of Lyon Arboretum, Lyon Arboretum; #0089065; continuous recruitment; 808-923-9741
Vice Chancellor for Administration, Finance and Operations, Office of the Chancellor, UHM, Manoa; #89354; continuous recruitment; 808-956-8516
Vice President for Legal Affairs and University General Counsel, Board of Regents, System; #0089391; continuous recruitment; 808-956-8436
Assistant Extension Agent (4-H/Youth Development), UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Hawaii County (East), #82313; continuous recruitment; 808-981-5199
Assistant Professor of Law, William S. Richardson School of Law; #0085634T; closes 04/27/06; 808-956-0828
Assistant Researcher R3, SOEST Young Investigator Program, UHM SOEST, Manoa; #85829T; temporary; closes 04/28/06; 808-956-9109
Assistant Researcher, UHM Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Manoa; #86077T; temporary; closes 04/26/06; 808-956-5337
Educational Development Specialist, William S. Richardson School of Law; #0085632T; closes 04/27/06; 808-956-0828
Instructor CC (Coordinator of Academic Support), TRIO, part time, federal funds, Honolulu Community College; #87071T; closes 05/08/06; 808-845-9136
Instructor CC (English), Kauai Community College; #85047; closes 05/08/06; 808-235-8372
Instructor CC, Business, Culinary, and Hospitality Program Professional, Kapiolani CC, Business, Culinary, Hospitalit; #86742; closes 05/01/06; 808-734-9567
Instructor CC (Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education), Physical Therapy Assistant, Kapiolani CC, Health Sciences; #86886; closes 05/01/06; 808-734-9126
Instructor CC in Mathematics, Kapiolani CC, Math/Science Department; #83939; closes 05/08/06; 808-734-9356
Instructor, Human Services – Early Childhood Education, Maui Community College; #74753; closes 05/05/06; 808-984-3213
Instructor in Food Services, (extension of closing date), Leeward Community College; #82721; closes 04/28/06; 808-455-0326
Instructors (English), Maui Community College; #86624T and 83832T; temporary; closes 05/05/06; 808-984-3213
Professor M5 (Pediatric Emergency Physician), UHM School of Medicine – Pediatrics, Kapi\u2019olani Medical Center; #83715T; temporary; closes 04/21/06
Academic Support (Educational Specialist), TRIO Project, part-time, temporary, federal funds, Honolulu Community College; #78090T; closes 04/25/06; 808-845-9136
Academic Support (Law Library Public Services Manager), full-time, permanent; closes 04/28/06; 808-956-5577
Academic Support PBB, UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Manoa; #77212T; temporary; closes 04/28/06; 808-956-4124
Institutional Support (Administrative Officer), Lyon Arboretum, Manoa; #0078036; closes 04/24/06; 808-956-8378
Institutional Support PBA (Administrative & Fiscal Support Specialist), UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Botany, Manoa; #0080950; closes 04/24/06; 808-956-3930
Institutional Support PBB (Internal Auditor), Readvertisement, Office of the Internal Auditor, Manoa; #77026; closes 05/01/06; 808-956-8945
Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal Accounting Specialist), Readvertisement, Financial Mgmt Systems Unit, UHM SOEST, Manoa; #0078062T; temporary; closes 04/28/06; 808-956-9110
Institutional Support PBC (Director of Fiscal Services), UHM SOEST, Manoa; #0078079T; temporary; closes 05/02/06; 808-956-9110
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Counselor), UHM Student Affairs, Manoa; #0081609; closes 04/24/06; 808-956-3987
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Guidance Advisor), Leeward Community College; #77179T; temporary; closes 05/02/06; 808-455-0326
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Student Support Services Adviser), Univ of Hawaii, Student Support Svcs, Manoa; #0080648T; temporary; closes 04/27/06; 808-956-3777
Physical Plant Management PBC (Chief of Security), Office of the Vice Chancellor for Admin, Finance & Operations, Manoa; #80477; closes 04/28/06; 808-956-2980
Research Support PBA, UHM Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Manoa; #77669T; temporary; closes 04/25/06; 808-956-7337
Program Assistant, Non-Credit Programs, UHM Outreach College, Manoa; temporary; closes 04/28/06; 808-956-2040
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view:
Notice #: 05522400