20160814|For full description and other employment listings, visit website above. Appointments
are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position
clearance. UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.
Dean (CC) Liberal Arts and Public
Service, Hawai`i Community College,
Hilo, Hawai`i, #89453, continuous
recruitment, 808-934-2518
Asst, Assoc or Full Professor
(Psychiatry), UHM School of Medicine,
Department of Psychiatry, affiliated
sites, #85587T, temp, continuous,
Instructor (Hawaiian Studies), School
of Hawaiian Knowledge, KCHS,
Manoa, #70098T, continuous,
Instructor, CC (Ka Hikina o Ka La
(Manaiakalani Project Coordinator)) –
Readvertisement, UH Maui College,
Kahului, Maui, #86929T, temp, closes
08/22/16, 808-984-3543
Assistant Professor (Information
Systems), Shidler College of Business,
ITM Dept, Manoa, #83038, continuous
Instructor, CC (Engineering), Science
and Mathematics, Kaua’i Community
College, #87017T, temp, closes
08/23/16, 808-245-8372
Instructor, CC (Ed Tech Developer),
Center for Excellence in Learning,
Teaching and Technology, Kapi’olani
Community College, #83734, closes
08/23/16, 808-734-9519
Assistant Professor (Rheumatology),
UHM School of Medicine Dept. of
Medicine, Queens Medical Center,
#88799T, temp, continuous, 808-586-
Jr Specialist (Student Services),
NHSS, Hawaiinuiakea Sch of Hawaiian
Knowledge, Manoa, #70092T, temp,
closes 09/01/16
Instructor (Samoan), Coll of Lang,
Ling & Lit, Dept of Indo-Pacific Lang
& Lit, Manoa, #83081T, temp, closes
08/16/16, 808-956-7371
Instructor (Spanish), College of Lang,
Ling & Lit, Lang & Lit of Europe & the
Americas, Manoa, #83127T, temp,
closes 08/16/16, 808-956-8519
Instructor (German), College of Lang,
Ling & Lit, Lang & Lit of Europe & the
Americas, Manoa, #83020T, temp,
closes 08/16/16
Instructor, CC (Automotive
Technology), TECH I, Honolulu
Community College, #83801, closes
08/30/16, 808-845-9183
Instructor, CC (Construction
Academy) – Readvertisement, (Tech I),
Honolulu Community College, #74795,
temp, closes 08/30/16, 808-845-9183
Administrative, Professional,
& Technical
Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal
Specialist, Senior), Administrative
Services, Honolulu Community
College, #81159, closes 08/23/16,
Academic Support PBA (Ed Spec-
Gallery Preparator (9 month)), College
of Arts and Humanities, Department of
Art and Art History, Manoa, #77780T,
temp, closes 08/31/16, 808-956-6079
Academic Support PBB (Native
Hawaiian Career & Technical Ed Prog
Coord), Dean’s Office, Leeward Comm
Coll, #77534T, temp, closes 08/23/16,
Institutional Support PBB (Human
Resources Sp), College of Natural
Science’s Dean’s office, UH Manoa,
#77177, closes 08/12/16,
Instructional and Student Support
PBB (Student Services Specialist),
Student Services, Leeward CC –
Waianae, #77218T, temp, closes
08/23/16, 808-455-0326
Academic Support PBB (Program
Manager), College of Education,
Institute for Teacher Education,
Manoa, #77404T, temp, closes
08/16/16, 808-956-7989
Instructional and Student Support
PBB (HI-NET Ho’ola Program Officer),
Student Services, Leeward Comm
Coll, #81843T, temp, closes 08/23/16,
Instructional and Student
Support PBB (Academic Advisor) –
Readvertisement, University of Hawaii-
West Oahu, Kapolei, #77506, closes
08/22/16, 808-689-2525
Academic Support PBA (Educational
Sp) – Readvertisement, School of
Hawaiian Knowledge, KCHL, Manoa,
#77602, closes 08/15/16,
Institutional Support PBA (Admin &
Fiscal Support Sp), College of Social
Sciences, Psychology Department, UH
Manoa, #77621, closes 08/23/16
Institutional Support PBA or
PBB (Institutional/Policy Analyst),
Institutional Research & Analysis,
Manoa, #81046T, temp, closes
08/17/16, systempo@hawaii.edu
Instructional and Student Support
PBA (Financial Aid Sp), Hawai`i
Community College, Hilo, #79122 and
#81295T, temp, closes 08/30/16,
Public Information, Public Events
Planning and Publications PBB
(Public Information Sp), University of
Hawaii-West Oahu, Kapolei, #77220,
closes 08/18/16, 808-689-2525
Lecturers of Hawaiian Language,
School of Hawaiian Knowledge,
KCHL, Manoa, temp, continuous
recruitment, 808-956-2228
Lecturer, CC (Communications and
Services Programs), TECH II, Honolulu
Community College, temp, continuous
recruitment, 808-845-9186
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical, security, maintenance,
lab aids, etc.), please view: hawaii.gov/hrd/main/esd~