Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) section 11-193 (a) (5), the STATE OF HAWAII, CAMPAIGN SPENDING COMMISSION is publishing in the newspaper, and on its website, the names of all candidates and noncandidate committees who failed to file a campaign spending report when due. These candidates and noncandidate committees also failed to respond to the Commissions Notice of Late Report sent to candidates on February 5, 2008, and to noncandidate committees on February 8, 2008. The Commission provides notice that the SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT due on January 31, 2008, for the reporting period from July 1 through December 31, 2007, was not filed by the following candidates and noncandidate committees:
CANDIDATES: Chuck Anthony Nolan Kido
James Kimo Apana Tercia Ku
Lehuanani Aquino Clifford Laboy
John Blumer-Buell Rhoda Libre
Rida Cabanilla Melissa Lyman
Michael Chambrella Paul Mattes
Robin Danner Angus McKelvey
Frank DeGiacomo William Medeiros
Lucienne DeNaie Carlton Middleton
Gail Dukes-Requilman Michael Molina
Roger Evans Rose Niimoto
Galen Fox CarolPhilips
Joanne Georgi Bruce Pleas
William Georgi Inam Rahman
Blitz Harry S. Kaniu Stocksdale
Henry Kahula, Jr. Nancy Stone
Samuel Kalalau, III Stephanie Tabbada
Mark Kalilikane Nelson Waikiki
Daryl Kaneshiro Stephen West
Frankie Kawelo
NONCANDIDATE COMMITTEES: Airport Community Coalition
Hawaii Restaurant Association PAC Fund
Kauai Democratic County Committee
Ocean Tourism Coalition PAC
Save Hawaiis Children
HRS section 11-193 (a) (5), specifies that the failure to respond after a newspaper notification or website publication shall result in an additional penalty of $50 for each day the report remains overdue. The penalty of $50 for each day shall begin on the date this notice of failure to file is published.
(SB05534400 3/3/08)