Pursuant to Chapter 91 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, will conduct public hearings regarding the following proposed amendments to Chapter 19-122, Hawaii Administrative rules (Department of Transportation): \u201DRules Relating to the Examination of Applicants for Issuance and Renewal of Motor Vehicle Driver\u2019s Licenses and Instruction Permits.\u201D
The following proposed amendments would ensure greater safety to the traveling public by providing guidance to the Counties of the State of Hawaii.
1. 19-122-1 to 19-122-101, Hawaii Administrative Rules as adopted by
the Department of Transportation, to be designated as new Subchapter 1.
2. 19-122-1, 19-122-3, 19-122-4, 19-122-5, and 19-122-11, Hawaii
Administrative Rules as adopted by the Department of Transportation, are
amended to include housekeeping changes.
3. 19-122-7, 19-122-8 and 19-122-9, Hawaii Administrative Rules as adopted
by the Department of Transportation, are repealed and become part of new
Subchapter 8.
4. Add a new Subchapter 8 entitled \u201DMedical Conditions, Restrictions, and
Denial\u201D, consisting of new sections 19-122-350 to 19-122-364, to establish
procedures for the application for the issuance of a driver\u2019s license or permit
to persons with medical conditions that could affect their ability to safely
operate a motor vehicle, and to provide for vision standards, procedures,
and tests for the issuance or renewal of a driver\u2019s license or permit.
The public hearings will be held as follows:
3/7/08 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Aliiaimoku Hale
869 Punchbowl Street, 5th Floor
Honolulu, HI 96813
3/3/08 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Kauai District Office (HWYS)
1720 Haleukana Street
Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii 96766
3/5/08 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Hilo International Airport
Training Room, 2nd Floor
3/4/08 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Maui District Office (HWYS)
650 Palapala Drive
Kahului, Maui, Hawaii 96793
Interested persons are invited to present their views on the proposed rule changes at the public hearings. Written comments will be accepted until March 7, 2008, at the following address:
Hawaii Department of Transportation
Office of Civil Rights, Room 112
869 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
A copy of the proposed rules may be requested by calling 808-587-2210 (V/TTY). Upon receiving such a request, a copy will be mailed at no cost to the requester. Copies may also be obtained or reviewed at index.htm or at the Governor\u2019s Liaison Offices in Kailua-Kona, Hilo, Wailuku, Lihue, Kaunakakai and Lanai City from Monday through Friday (except state holidays), between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
If you have needs due to your disability, please contact Ben Gorospe, Office of Civil Rights, at 808-587-2210 (V/TTY) at least two weeks before the hearing.
Interim Director of Transportation
(SB05533694 1/25/08)
Notice #: 05533694