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Notice #: 05533607


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu will hold a public hearing in the hearings room of the Liquor Commission, Pacific Park Plaza Building, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 600, on Tuesday, February 26, 2008, at 4:00 p.m., to consider the adoption of amended and new Rules of the Liquor Commission of the City and County of Honolulu.

The purpose of the proposed amendments is to address concerns of the Liquor Commission, the liquor industry, and the general public by strengthening and clarifying the Rules relating to intoxicating liquor, and to create new Rules pertaining to the Class 15 Condominium Hotel license. The specifics of the proposed rule amendments are summarized below:

§3-80-1.1 Definitions. Changes the definition of “caterer” to include the Class 15 condominium hotel license and adds a definition for “condominium hotel guest room”.
§3-81-17.51 License Fees. Eliminates the ending fund balance calculation in the formula used to calculate the annual “deductible”, and specifies the annual license and maximum fees for the Class 15 condominium hotel license.
§3-81-17.54. Gross Sales Reports. Includes the Class 15 condominium hotel license in this rule’s requirements.
§3-81-17.55. Additional License Fees on Gross Sales. Specifies the proration method applicable to transferred, cancelled, or revoked licenses for any additional license fees owed.
§3-81-17.7 Monies Collected From Assessment of Fines. Adds a new rule to authorize the Administrator to use fine monies for programs to promote compliance with liquor laws.
§3-81-17.8 Waiver. Adds a new rule to authorize the Commission to waive all or a portion of any rule, for good cause.
§3-82-31.4. Term of License. Authorizes the Commission to waive the July 31 tax clearance submission deadline, for good cause.
§3-82-31.7. Catering. Adds the Class 15 condominium hotel license to the list of licensees permitted to offer catering.
§3-82-31.8. Recorking. Adds the Class 15 condominium hotel license to the list of licensees permitted to recork.
§3-82-38.4. Employee Records. Includes the Class 15 condominium hotel license in this rule’s requirements.
§3-82-38.5. Registration of Employees. Includes the Class 15 condominium hotel license in this rule’s requirements, and specifies registration requirements for Class 12 hotel and Class 15 condominium hotel licenses.
§3-82-38.8. Semi-Annual Submission of Employee List. Includes the Class 15 condominium hotel license in this rule’s requirements.
§3-82-38.9. Licensee and Manager in Charge of Premises. Includes the Class 15 condominium hotel license in this rule’s requirements.
§3-82-38.13. Restrictions on Hotel and Condominium Hotel Licenses. Includes the Class 15 condominium hotel license in this rule’s requirements.
§3-82-38.19. Hours of Business. Establishes the hours within which a Class 15 condominium hotel licensee is authorized to sell or serve liquor.
§3-82-38.24. Requirements of a Condominium Hotel License. Adds a new rule setting forth the requirements for the Class 15 condominium hotel license.
§3-82-38.25. Restrictions or Conditions on Licenses. Adds a new rule authorizing the Commission to place restrictions or conditions on a license to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
§3-83-53.1. License Applications; Notice of Hearing; Affidavits. Adds license application requirements for the Class 15 condominium hotel license.
§3-83-62. ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS/ALTERATION OF LICENSED PREMISES. Exempts condominium hotel guest room changes from the requirements and restrictions of this rule.
§3-84-72.1. Sanitation Requirements. Includes the Class 15 condominium hotel license in this rule’s requirements.

Those persons wishing to testify at this hearing may register prior to the hearing at the hearing site and are encouraged to submit one copy of their testimony by hand delivery, fax, mail or email. Attendance at the public hearing is not a prerequisite for submission of testimony. Written testimony which is received by 4:30 p.m. Monday, February 25, 2008 at the below address by hand delivery, fax, mail or email will be included with the record of the hearing.

Address and Contact Information: Liquor Commission
Pacific Park Plaza Building
711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 600
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
(808) 591-2700 (fax) (email)

A copy of the proposed amended Rules will be mailed at no cost to persons who call (808) 523-4458 and provide their name and mailing address. Copies are also available at no cost at the Liquor Commission offices, Pacific Park Plaza, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 600, Honolulu, Hawaii, Monday through Friday, between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and on the Liquor Commission website at

If you require an accommodation or auxiliary aid and/or services to participate in this meeting (i.e., sign language or foreign language interpreter), please call the Administrative Services Officer at 527-5302 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Dated: January 17, 2008 LIQUOR COMMISSION OF THE

By Dewey H. Kim., Jr., Administrator
(SB05533607 1/17/08)