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Notice #: 05532718

Board of Land and Natural Resources

Notice of Contested Case Hearing

Contested Case OA 08-03 Regarding Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) OA-3412 For a Portion of the Kaloi Gulch Drainage Improvements Located makai of Oneula Beach Park, Ewa, island of Oahu, makai of TMK: (1) 9-1-012:025 and (1) 9-1-011:007 on State submerged lands.

The Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR), State of Hawaii, will conduct a hearing on standing for Contested Case OA 08-03, at Honolulu, Hawaii. The hearing will be held pursuant to Chapters 91 and 183C, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and Chapters 13-1 and 13-5, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR). The BLNR has appointed a Hearing Officer to conduct the hearing, which will commence at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 29, 2007, at the Kalanimoku Building, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 132, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Any person wishing to participate in the hearing as an intervening party must file a written application in conformance with Section 13-1-31, HAR, as amended, explaining briefly how he or she has a specific legal interest different from the general public and how this interest could be affected by the proposed action. The Hearing Officer will then grant or deny the application to intervene. At the hearing, only persons admitted as parties to the proceedings may actually participate.

Any party may retain counsel if desired. An individual may appear on his or her own behalf, or a member of a partnership may represent the partnership, or an officer or authorized employee of a corporation or trust or association may represent the corporation, trust or association. All parties shall be afforded the opportunity to present and cross-examine evidence and witnesses and make arguments on issues before the BLNR.

Written applications to intervene must be received no later than 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 20, 2007, at the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands, Room 131, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu (or P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96809). Application forms are available at the Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands Office or may be sent upon request. Please call 587-0382 for application forms or for further information.

Disabled individuals planning to attend the hearing are asked to contact the DLNR at the above address or phone Tiger Mills at 587-0382 at least three days in advance of the hearing to indicate if they have special needs which require accommodation.

(SB05532718 11/8/07)