HAWAII Public Housing
Authority (HPHA)
On behalf of the State of Hawaii and the employees of Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA), we invite the following highly motivated and dedicated professionals to join our team and make a difference!
Homeless Programs Specialist ($43,824+)
The primary purpose of this position is to implement planning, contracting, collaboration and coordination with homeless providers and the counties; develop and implement programs to alleviate homelessness; pursue private and federal funding opportunities that will enhance the States efforts to mitigate the homelessness; and coordinate development and oversight of State-owned homeless facilities.
Minimum Qualification Requirements: Graduation from a four year college or university or commensurate knowledge and/or experience. Previous experience writing grant applications, generating letters and instructional guidelines preferred; experience in detailed work requiring accuracy and high performance levels a must.
The above position is an exempt non-civil service position. Salary is commensurate with training and experience. For more information about HPHA, visit our website at www.hcdch.hawaii.gov. HPHA is a equal employment opportunity employer. Resumes must be submitted by close of business on October 9, 2007. Mail or fax resumes to:
Hawaii Public Housing Authority
Attn: Personnel
P.O. Box 17907
1002 N. School Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Or Fax: 832-5979
(SB05532116 9/30/07)
Notice #: 05532137