Notice is hereby given that the Department of Transportation Services (DTS), City and County of Honolulu will hold a public hearing; for the purpose of providing citizens the opportunity to present their views on planned December, 2007 restructuring of existing routes and the addition of community circulators.
The island wide Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) East Honolulu service modifications will restructure Routes 1, 21, 22, and 58 to improve service quality and reliability; and add community circulators 231, 232, 233 and 234.
A document more fully explaining the BSIP East Honolulu will be made available to the public:
< at the Department of Transportation Services, 650 South King Street 3rd Floor;
< on the following websites:, or;
< by mail upon request;
< by e-mail to;
< on cassette or large print.
Please call 768-8374 for details to request a copy or for further information.
All interested persons are invited to express their views on this matter. Persons wishing to speak at the public hearing must sign up on the day of the hearing and presentations will be limited to three minutes. Also, two written copies of the statement presented will be required for the record. Persons unable to attend the hearing may submit written testimony by COB, Wednesday, October 31, 2007, the date of the hearing, to:
James Burke, Chief, Public Transit Division
Department of Transportation Services
650 South King Street, 3rd Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Any person with a hearing impairment desiring to attend the public hearing may request the assistance of sign interpreter provided such request is made seven days prior to the scheduled public hearing. Requests for a sign language interpreter may be made by calling the Public Transit Division at 768-8364.
Melvin N. Kaku, Director
Department of Transportation Services
City and County of Honolulu
(SB05532076 9/26, 10/26/07)