Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) §342D-7(i), the State Department of Health (DOH) seeks written comments from interested persons regarding the following: Ms. Darcy McCartney of Kapaa, Kauai has applied for a variance from Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) §11-62-31.1(b)(1) which states that the DOH may allow an individual wastewater system for two dwelling units and §11-62-31.1(a)(2)(A) which provides that there shall be 10,000 square feet of land area for each individual wastewater system.
Mr. Gregory H. Meyers of Hempey Norelli & Meyers LLP is the individual authorized to act for the applicant. The applicant is proposing to build four dwelling units on the lot using a green building concept including solar water, photovoltaic set-up, sustainable materials throughout the interior, no VOC paint, low energy and low wattage appliances, fluorescent lighting, native plant species and recycled insulation. The location is 4660 Kamoa Road, Kapaa, Kauai TMK: (4) 4-3-007:008, and the lot is 11,308 square feet.
Below are some abbreviated statements contained in the application:
1. The proposed IWS is an environmentally friendly NSF-certified branch drain greywater and composting toilet system. The proposed system is designed to recycle the greywater of the 4 dwelling units into subsurface irrigation for plants and fruit trees, utilizing 8 absorption basins.
2. The proposed system will likely be the first gold standard LEED (Leadership in the Environment and Energy Design) home in Hawaii.
3. The proposed system will not add any blackwater into the sewage system, significantly reduce freshwater used at the site, use less energy, cause less stress on the ocean and result in less wasted nutrients.
4. There are no technical or health threats that would result from development of the proposed IWS. The composting toilet effectively prevents the discharge of sewage into the ocean from the 4 dwelling units.
5. The applicant is requesting a 4 year variance as the proposal involves building 4 green development dwelling units.
To review the complete application, please call or write to the Wastewater Branch, 919 Ala Moana Blvd, Room 309, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814-4920, phone (808) 586-4294, fax (808) 586-4300 to obtain a facsimile. DOH will consider all written comments received within thirty days of this notice. If warranted, DOH may hold a public hearing on the variance application.
Chiyome Leinaala Fukino, M.D.
Director of Health
(SB05531433 8/16/07)