The Department of Health, State of Hawaii (DOH), is notifying all interested persons of the proposed settlement between the DOH and City & County of Honolulu. The DOH has issued Notice and Finding of Violation and Order, in Docket No. 06-CA-EO-08, alleging that City & County of Honolulu violated state air pollution laws, HRS §342B-11, HAR §11-60.1-2, and Noncovered Source Permit (NSP) No. 0217-03-N by: 1) exceeding the H2S GAC outlet emissions concentration permit limit; 2) exceeding the fenceline H2S emissions permit limit; 3) failing to conduct the daily checks of the scrubber solution pH for the primary and secondary odor control units; and 4) simultaneously taking both the primary and headworks odor control system offline without prior approval from the DOH.
A Consent Order has been drafted that proposes to settle this case. Interested persons may submit written comments on this proposed settlement to the DOH within 30 days of this notice. Comments should be sent to Mr. Wilfred Nagamine, Manager, Clean Air Branch, Department of Health, P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96801-3378. The proposed Consent Order and the Notice and Finding of Violation and Order may be reviewed at the Clean Air Branch in Honolulu at 919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 203. For additional information, contact Ms. Crystal Peltier of the Clean Air Branch in Honolulu at (808) 586-4200.
(SB05530067 6/15/07)
Notice #: 05530067