For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution
Assistant/Associate Specialist S3/S4 (Stable Isotope Lab Mgr), UHM SOEST, Manoa; #0088482T, Dept of Geology & Geophysics; temporary; closes 05/23/07; 808-956-6206
Assistant Professor in K-12 Science Educ and/or Math Educ, Curriculum Studies Dept, UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; #0085187; continuous recruitment; 808-956-4413
Assistant Professor of Maori-Hawaiian Relations & Indigenous Language & Culture Revitalization, UH Hilo, Hilo; #73316T; closes 06/15/07; 808-974-7342
Assistant & Associate Specialist (2 Psychologists), UHM Student Affairs; #84139 (Asst Spec) and #88146 (Assoc Spec); closes 06/04/07; 808-956-7927
Associate Professor, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Math, Manoa; #0084769T; temporary; closes 05/24/07; 808-956-8792
Associate Professor, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Math, Manoa; #0084508T; temporary; closes 05/24/07; 808-956-8792
Instructor (Deaf Center), Correction, Kapi\u2019olani Community College; #86348T (corrected from #88037T); temporary, non-tenurial; 808-734-9517
Instructor CC (Construction Acad), Kealakehe HS, #74776, Readvertisement/Modified, HI Comm Coll, Isl of Hawaii; closes 05/29/07; 808-974-7484
Instructor CC (Director of Upward Bound Programs), Readvertisement, Leeward CC; #84733T; temporary; closes 05/29/07; 808-455-0326
Instructor/Assistant Prof CC/Associate Prof CC, Institutional Effectiveness, Leeward Community College; #82400; closes 05/29/07; 808-455-0326
Instructor in Hawaiian, Language Arts Dept, Kapi\u2019olani Community College; #74815; closes 05/29/07; 808-734-9283
Instructors in English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL), Languages, Linguistics & Lit, Kap Comm Coll; #74813 & 74814; closes 05/29/07; 808-734-9283
Junior or Assistant Specialist, Institute for Teacher Education, Elementary or Secondary, UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; #085189, 085192; continuous recruitment; 808-956-9295
Junior Researcher (Postdoctoral Fellow), Cancer Research Center, Lauhala Building; #86002T; temporary; closes 05/24/07; 808-586-2962
Junior Specialist (MSW Care Coord Training Spec, Ohana Ho`oikaika Child & Adolescent Mental Health), UHM Social Work, Manoa; #0083524T; temporary; closes 05/23/07; 808-956-6124
Junior Specialist (Project Director, Ohana Ho`oikaika Child & Adolescent Mental Health), UHM Social Work, Manoa; #0087616T; temporary; closes 05/23/07; 808-956-6124
Researcher R5, International Pacific Research Center (IPRC), UHM SOEST, Manoa; #0085359; non-tenure track; closes 05/29/07; 808-956-2216
Academic Support PBA (Info Tech Support Svcs Asst Mgr), Readvertisement, Leeward Comm Coll; #77966T; temporary; closes 05/29/07; 808-455-0326
Allied Health & Safety PBB (Health & Safety Coordinator), UHM Sch of Med – Dean\u2019s Office, Kaka\u2019ako Campus; #77692; closes 05/25/07; 808-956-3200
Information Tech Specialist (Java Application Developer), #80484, ITS Manoa; closes 05/24/07. For complt quals & how to apply, visit
Information Tech Specialist PBA, UHM Pacific Biosciences Research Center, Manoa; #0079938T; temporary; closes 05/22/07; 808-956-4592
Institutional Support PBA (Admin & Fiscal Supp Spec), Ofc of the Vice Chancellor, Research & Grad Educ, Manoa; #0078291T; temporary; closes 05/24/07; 808-956-8378
Institutional Support PBA (Admin Asst to the Director), UHM Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Manoa; #0078371T; temporary; closes 05/17/07; 808-956-2332
Institutional Support PBA (Fiscal Officer), UHM School of Medicine – Dean\u2019s Office, Kaka\u2019ako Campus; #78011T; temporary; closes 05/18/07; 808-692-1160
Institutional Support PBA (UH Admin & Fiscal Supp Spec), Student Housing Svcs, Manoa; #0078356T, Special Funds; temporary; closes 05/21/07; 808-956-4014
Instructional & Student Support PBA (Assistant Director of Student Affairs), UH Athletics, Manoa; #78320; closes 05/23/07
Instructional & Student Support PBB (Elementary Teacher), UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; #77445T Curriculum Research & Devt Group; temporary; closes 05/22/07; 808-956-4952
Instructional & Student Support PBB (Orchestra Teacher), UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; #78433T Curriculum Research & Dev Group; temporary; closes 05/31/07; 808-956-4952
Instructional & Student Support PBB, Readvertisement, Maui Community College; #78339 & 78340; closes 05/25/07; 808-984-3527
Lecturer, UHM College of Arts & Humanities, Dept of Music, Manoa; continuous recruitment; 808-956-7756
Lecturer, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Math, Manoa; temporary; closes 05/24/07; 808-956-7811
Lecturers, Dept of Counselor Education, UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-7905
Postdoctoral Fellow (Organic Photochemist), UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Chemistry, Manoa; temporary; closes 05/24/07; 808-956-5723
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view:
Notice #: 05529399