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Notice #: 05529220



For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution


Director of Continuing Education & Training,
Kauai Community College; #89178; continuous recruitment; 808-245-8372


Assistant Professor M3M11,
UHM School of Medicine – Surgery, Queen\u2019s Medical Center; #85562T, 82228T, 85559T; temporary; closes 05/16/07; 808-586-2920

Assoc/Full Specialist, The Mental Health Svcs Research, Eval & Training Prog Assoc/Full Spec (, UHM Coll of Soc Sci, Manoa; #84943T; temporary; closes 07/07/07; 808-539-3941

Instructor (Deaf Center), Kapi\u2019olani Community College; #88037T; temporary, non-tenurial; 808-734-9517

Instructor CC (Biology & Ecology), Math/Science Dept, Kapi\u2019olani Community College; #86653T; closes 05/14/07; 808-734-9356

Instructor CC (Microbiology, Biotech & Biology), Math/Science Dept, Kapi\u2019olani Community College; #86586T; closes 05/14/07; 808-734-9356

Instructor CC (Physical Science: General), Readvertisement, Kauai Community College; #82416; closes 05/21/07; 808-245-8372

Instructor CC (Training Coordinator), Kauai Community College; #86685; closes 05/21/07; 808-245-8372

Instructor in Hawaiian, Language Arts Dept, Kapi\u2019olani Community College; #74815; closes 05/29/07; 808-734-9283

Instructors in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Lang, Linguistics & Lit, Kapi\u2019olani Comm Coll; #74813 & 74814; closes 05/29/07; 808-734-9283

Professor (Evaluation Coordinator), UHM Social Work, Manoa; #083422T; temporary; closes 05/11/07; 808-956-6239


Academic Support PBA (Coordinator of Teacher Recruitment),
UHM College of Education, Manoa; #0078357T; temporary; closes 05/14/07; 808-956-4294

Academic Support PBB (Fun 5 Project Administrator), Public Health, Manoa; #0077829T; closes 05/16/07; 808-956-2862

Institutional Support PBA (Personnel Officer), UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Manoa; #80212; closes 05/17/07; 808-956-6184

Institutional Support PBA (Admin & Fiscal Support Spec), UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology, Manoa; #80591T; temporary; closes 05/17/07; 808-956-4602

Institutional Support PBA (Admin Asst to the Director), UHM Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Manoa; #0078371T; temporary; closes 05/17/07; 808-956-2332

Institutional Support PBA (Child & Adol Mental Health Nursing Proj Supp), Sch of Nursing & Dental Hyg, Manoa; #0077096T; temporary; closes 05/15/07; 808-956-8398

Institutional Support PBA (Fiscal Accounting Specialist), UHM Auxiliary Enterprises, Manoa; #78438T; temporary; closes 05/15/07; 808-956-4804

Institutional Support PBB, School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene, Manoa; #0078418T; temporary; closes 05/14/07; 808-956-8744

Institutional Support PBB (Institutional Analyst), Readvertisement, Hawaii Community College, Hilo; #0078399; closes 05/18/07; 808-974-7484

Instructional & Student Support PBA (Advising Specialist), UH Hilo, Hilo; #78424T; closes 05/21/07; 808 974-7358, fax 808-974-7693

Instructional & Student Support PBA (Student Svcs Specialist), UHM, Enrollment Mgmt, Manoa; #78251T; temporary; closes 05/17/07; 808-956-8010

Instructional & Student Support PBB (Business Manager of Student Pub), UHM Student Affairs, Manoa; #081137; closes 05/25/07; 808-956-4820

Instructional & Student Support PBB (Financial Aid Officer), UH-West Oahu, Student Svcs; #78125; closes 05/16/07; 808-454-4700, TDD 808-454-4702

Instructional & Student Support PBB (Math Specialist), UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; #78421T Curriculum Research & Dev Group; temporary; closes 05/15/07; 808-956-9956

Instructional & Student Support PBB (Orchestra Teacher), UHM Coll of Educ, Manoa; #78433T Curriculum Research & Dev Group; temporary; closes 05/31/07; 808-956-4952

Public Info, Public Events Planning & Pubs PBB (JABSOM Dir of PR), UHM Sch of Med – Dean\u2019s Ofc, Kaka\u2019ako Campus; #77985T; temporary; closes 05/17/07; 808-692-1180


Certified Athletic Trainer Graduate Assistant,
UH Athletics, Manoa; continuous recruitment; 808-956-4637

Graphic/Web Designer, UHM Outreach College, Manoa; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-2030

Photographer/Graphic Designer, UHM Outreach College, Manoa; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-2030

For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view: