For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution
Assistant Professor (Host-Pathogen Interactions), UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Plant & Env Protection Sci, Manoa; #82139; closes 08/10/07; 808-956-7764
Assistant Professor M3M11 (Pediatric Emergency Physician), UHM Sch of Med – Pediatrics, Kapi\u2019olani Med Center; #88542T; temporary; closes 05/03/07
Assistant Professor in Accounting, UH-West Oahu, Professional Studies Div; #87445; temporary; closes 05/04/07; 808-454-4773, TDD: 808-454-4702
Assistant Researcher (Bioacoustician), UHM Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Coconut Island; #0086043T; temporary; closes 04/27/07; 808-236-7486
Associate Professor/Professor M4/M5, UHM School of Medicine – Pathology, Kaka\u2019ako campus; #85747T; temporary; closes 05/03/07; 808-547-4271
Instructor, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Physics & Astronomy, Manoa; #84218T; temporary; 808-956-7087
Junior Extension Agent, UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences, Manoa; #85393T; temporary; closes 4/30/07; 808-956-5889
Junior Researcher, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Chemistry, Manoa; #84453T; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-6721
Substitute Associate Professor/Professor M4/M5 (Director of Simulation), Sch of Med – Telehealth Research Inst, Kaka\u2019ako Campus; #87176T; temporary; closes 05/03/07; 808-692-1091
Information Technology Specialist (Sr. Network Admin), #81990 ITS Manoa; closes 05/07/07. For complt quals & how to apply, visit
Information Technology Specialist PBB (IT Specialist), UHM Waikiki Aquarium, Manoa; #0079956T; temporary; closes 05/11/07; 808-440-9005
Institutional Support PBA (Asst to the Vice Chancellor for Acad Affairs), Ofc of the Vice Chancellor for Acad Affairs, Manoa; #0078429; closes 04/30/07; 956-8447
Institutional Support PBB (Administrative Officer), Kapiolani CC, Business Office; #80865; closes 05/07/07; 808-734-9528
Institutional Support PBB (Administrative Officer), UHM Social Science Research Institute, Manoa; #81943; closes 05/03/07; 808-956-8930
Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal Acctg Specialist), Readvertisement, Ofc of Research Svcs, Manoa; #78363T; 78365T; 78369T; temporary; closes 05/03/07; 808-956-7800
Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal Acctg Specialist), Readvertisement, Ofc of Research Svcs, Manoa; #0080139; closes 05/03/07; 808-956-7800
Institutional Support PBB (Human Resources Specialist), Office of the Chancellor, UHM, Manoa; #0080952; closes 04/30/07; 808-956-3028
Institutional Support PBC (Accounting Manager), Ofc of Research Svcs, Manoa; #80206; temporary; closes 05/03/07; 808-956-7800
Instructional & Student Support PBB (ASUH Operations Mgr), Readvertisement, UHM Student Affairs, Co-curricular Activities; #0081510; closes 05/09/07; 808-956-4820
Media Design & Prod (Instructional Developer), ITS Manoa; #78197; closes 05/02/07. For complt quals & how to apply, visit
Media Design & Prod (Prog Producer), ITS Manoa; #80785; closes 05/07/07. For complt quals & how to apply, visit
UH Men\u2019s Assistant Basketball Coach, UH Athletics, Manoa; #80807; closes 04/30/07
UH Men\u2019s Associate Basketball Coach, UH Athletics, Manoa; #80806; closes 04/30/07
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view:
Notice #: 05528887