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Notice #: 05527231


The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) is requesting proposals for an update of the HTA’s 2004 Hawaii State Parks Survey. The survey should cover all major state parks as identified by the Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources and the HTA, and should include, but not be limited to, information on: number of on-island resident visitors to the park; number of off-island resident visitors to the park; number of out of state visitors to the park; listing of facilities and services available (e.g., restrooms; educational kiosks or signage; security; parking); reasons park visitor stopped at the park (e.g., recreation, use restroom, scenic view); what the park visitor did at the park; how long they stayed in the park; how they learned about the park; and what they thought about the park and its facilities. Application and information packets are available starting on January 29, 2007, through the HTA’s website at, or by calling the HTA office at (808) 973-2258. Final proposals must be submitted to the HTA by 4:30 p.m., February 23, 2007. (SB05527231 1/28/07)