DOCKET NO. 2006-0396
The PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION of the STATE OF HAWAII (\u201DCommission\u201D) HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that it will hold a public hearing relating to the application of YOUNG BROTHERS, LIMITED (\u201DYB\u201D), filed on December 15, 2006, for approval of a general rate increase, rate restructuring, fuel price adjustment clause, and other tariff changes.
The Commission will hold a public hearing as follows:
February 13, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
McKinley High School Cafeteria
1039 S. King Street
Honolulu, HI
YB is a water carrier authorized to transport property by barge between the islands of Oahu, Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Molokai, and Lanai. YB\u2019s intrastate water carrier operations are subject to the Commission\u2019s regulation.
YB seeks the Commission\u2019s approval of an average, overall rate increase of 10.7 per cent for certain types of cargo, based on a 2007 calendar test year and a proposed rate of return of 10.84 per cent for its intrastate water carrier operations. For the specific cargo types, YB is proposing rate increases ranging from 0 to 24 per cent:
Specific Examples
Dry containers and non-automobile No increase
roll on/roll off cargo
Refrigerated containers (reefers), automobiles, 5.6% increase
straight load flat racks and platforms
Less than container load cargo, including dry and 24% increase
refrigerated pallets, dry and refrigerated mix cargo,
and G-vans
In essence, YB proposes to restructure its rates to move toward compensatory pricing.
As part of its application, YB also proposes to establish: (1) an automatic fuel price adjustment clause if the price of diesel fuel increases or decreases by $0.15 above or below the per-gallon base level; and (2) a minimum charge for platforms. In addition, YB proposes certain changes to its tariff language, including revisions to the definitions of \u201Dautomobile\u201D and \u201Disland agricultural products.\u201D
The Commission will investigate whether the proposals contained in YB\u2019s application are just and reasonable. All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing to state their views orally, in writing, or both. Written statements may be submitted prior to or at the public hearing. Statements may be mailed to the Public Utilities Commission, 465 South King Street, Room 103, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813. Statements may also be sent by electronic mail to the Commission\u2019s e-mail address at All written statements should reference Docket No. 2006-0396 and include the following information: (1) name of the person submitting the written statement; (2) organization the person submitting the written statement represents (if any); and (3) address of the person submitting the written statement.
Motions to Intervene or Participate in this proceeding shall comply with Subchapter 4, Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Public Utilities Commission, Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 6, Chapter 61. A motion to intervene or participate in this proceeding shall be filed with the Commission by March 12, 2007.
A copy of YB\u2019s application is available for viewing on YB\u2019s website,, at the News link, and copies are also available for viewing during regular business hours at the following locations:
Public Utilities Commission
Honolulu Office: 465 South King Street, Room 103
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 586-2020
Division of Consumer Advocacy
King Kalakaua Building
335 Merchant Street, Room 326
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 586-2800
Special arrangements to accommodate persons with disabilities can be made if requested reasonably in advance of the public hearing by contacting the Commission\u2019s Honolulu Office.
Carlito P. Caliboso
Chairman (SB05527210 1/30/07)