December 27, 2006
The Hawai`i State Department of Health, Environmental Management Division, is issuing the following notice of proposed action.
The Department has received an Underground Injection Control (UIC) application for an approval to construct and operate three (3) new injection wells for the disposal of secondary treated sewage effluent at the Waimanalo Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Department is preparing a tentative determination to grant an approval to construct the three injection wells which may result in a UIC permit to operate the three injection wells if construction and testing requirements are deemed satisfactory.
The facility is described below:
Applicant/Permitee: Department of Environmental Services
City and County of Honolulu
Facility Owner: Department of Land and Natural Resources
State of Hawai`i
Applicants Address: 1000 Ulu`ohi`a Street, #308
Kapolei, HI 96707
Facility Owners Address: 1151 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Application No.: UO-1259A
Location: 41-1060 Kalaniana`ole Highway,
Waimanalo, Hawai`i 96795
TMK No.: 1st Division, 4-1-09:270
Latitude: 21E 20\u2019 30\u201D N; Longitude: 157E 42\u2019 27\u201D W
Activity: The Waimanalo Wastewater Treatment Plant currently operates seven (7) injection wells for the subsurface disposal of secondary treated sewage effluent. The 7 injection wells are authorized for use under the facilitys UIC permit, No. UO-1259. The 7 injection wells have depths ranging from approximately 200 to 220 feet below ground surface and diameters ranging from approximately 12 to 16 inches. The average design flow for the treatment plant and injection well system is 700,000 gallons per day. Flow to the injection wells is by gravity. The UIC permit requires the facility to periodically test and report effluent quality for chemical and physical parameters related to treatment efficiency, prohibited discharges, and groundwater pollution. The UIC permit also requires periodic injection-well inspections and injection tests to monitor and track the performance of the injection wells. The UIC permit has a valid duration of 5 years. Permit renewal is required prior to permit expiration to continue authorized use of the injection wells.
The UIC application for 3 new injection wells represents a proposal to increase the disposal capacity of the injection well system to accommodate greater treatment plant flows in the future. The design and location of the 3 proposed injection wells are similar to the existing injection wells. If injection well construction approval is granted, injection testing will be required after the injection wells are fully built. If injection well construction and testing are deemed satisfactory, the facilitys UIC permit will be modified and reissued to include the 3 new injection wells, thus authorizing the use of ten injection wells under UIC permit No. UO-1259.
Source of Waste Fluids: Secondary treated domestic wastewater.
Proposed Quantity of Fluids: Average injection quantity of 0.7 to 1.1 million gallons per day (mgd).
A copy of the application and accompanying information submitted by the applicant are available for public inspection Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., at the Department of Healths address shown below. A charge will be assessed for copying.
Persons wishing to comment on the UIC application should submit their comments in writing no later than January 26, 2007, either in person or by mail, to:
Office and Mailing Address
State of Hawai`i
Department of Health
Environmental Management Division
Safe Drinking Water Branch
919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 308
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96814
Telephone: (808)586-4258
Individuals with disability who require aid in commenting on the application may contact Stuart Yamada at (808)586-4258 (voice).
Comments received no later than January 26, 2007, will be considered in granting the approval to construct the 3 new injection wells. The outcome of the Departments comments consideration will be sent to each commentor or person requesting the outcome.
Please bring the foregoing notice to the attention of all persons whom you know would be interested in this matter.
Chiyome Leinaala Fukino, M.D.
(SB05526649 12/27/06) Director of Health