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Notice #: 05526574
Public Notices

Oahu Storm Water Management Program
Public Review and Open House

The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Highways Division (HDOT Highways) has developed a plan for its Oahu Storm Water Management Program (SWMP). The Oahu SWMP plan outlines the HDOT Highways program to address storm water pollution associated with operating the HDOT Highways-related network and facilities on Oahu.

Copies of the Oahu SWMP Plan are available for public review at the HDOT Highways offices in downtown Honolulu (869 Punchbowl Street, Room 514), Mapunapuna (727 Kakoi Street), and Kapolei (601 Kamokila Boulevard, Room 611). The Oahu SWMP Plan can also be downloaded from “http://www.”. The deadline for comments is February 6, 2007.

An open house is scheduled for:
Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.
Washington Middle School Cafeteria
Honolulu, Hawaii

For more information, please contact Larissa Sato at (808) 566-2246. (SB05526574 12/31/06, 1/7/07)