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Notice #: 05526307
State/City & County Jobs



For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution


Assistant, Associate or Full Professor,
Construction & Civil Infrastructure, UHM Engineering, Manoa; #83762; continuous recruitment; 808-956-7550

Assistant/Associate/Full Researcher in Clinical Psychology, UHM College of Social Sciences, Manoa; #84944T; continuous recruitment; 808-956-6727

Assistant Professor (correct position number), UHM College of Social Sciences, Manoa; #84824; continuous recruitment; 808-956-7536

Assistant Researcher (Quantitative Marine Ecologist), UHM Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Manoa; #0086024; closes 01/31/07; 808-236-7410

Assistant Specialist, UHM College of Education, Manoa; #085195T, Center on Disability Studies; temporary; closes 12/20/06; 808-956-5861

Associate Professor, UHM College of Social Sciences, Manoa; #83302; closes 12/22/06; 808-956-4237

Junior Researcher, UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Plant & Environmental Protection Sci, Manoa; #85407T; temporary; closes 12/20/06; 808-956-9238

Junior Specialist, UHM – School of Travel Industry Management, Manoa; #85901T; temporary; closes 12/27/06; 808-956-7166


Administrative Support Specialist,
UHM College of Education, Manoa; #0077336T, Center on Disability Studies; temporary; closes 12/21/06; 808-956-4454

Institutional Support PBA (Administrative/Research Asst), Office of the Chancellor, UHM, Manoa; #0078298T; temporary; closes 12/27/06; 808-956-4568

Institutional Support PBA (Administrative & Fiscal Support Specialist), William S. Richardson School of Law, Manoa; #0077935; closes 12/19/06; 808-956-8636

Institutional Support PBA, UHM School of Medicine – Area Health Education Center, Kaka\u2019ako campus; #77103T; temporary; closes 12/18/06; 808-692-1060

Institutional Support PBB (Administrative Officer), UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Dean\u2019s Office, Manoa; #0080181; closes 12/21/06; 808-956-6027

Institutional Support PBB (Personnel Officer), Readvertisement, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Dean\u2019s Office, Manoa; #77177; closes 12/21/06; 808-956-6027

Institutional Support Specialist PBA (Admin & Fiscal Support Specialist), Shidler Coll of Business, Manoa; #0078307T; temporary; closes 12/22/06; 808-956-6901

Instructional and Student Support PBA, UHM Student Affairs, Manoa; #0078212T; closes 12/19/06; 808-956-3290

Media Design & Production Group PBA (Media Specialist), Shidler College of Business, Manoa; #0077878T; temporary; closes 12/22/06; 808-956-6902


UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Biology, temporary, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Biology, Manoa; temporary; closes 12/20/06; 808-956-8303

Postdoctoral Fellow, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Botany, Manoa; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-3937

Postdoctoral Fellow, UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Botany, Manoa; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-956-9389

For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view: