Notice to Interested Bidders/Applicants
Pursuant to Section 3-122-16.03, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) and Section 3-141-407, HAR, the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA) is required to post all public notices under Chapter 103D and Chapter 103F, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) on the Internet. All interested parties can find the public notices posted on the States Procurement Notices System (PNS) at bidapps/for the following HPHA procurements:
Competitive sealed bidding, pursuant to Chapter 103D-302, HRS;
Competitive sealed proposals, pursuant to Chapter 103D-303, HRS;
Procurement of professional services, pursuant to Chapter 103D-304, HRS;
Competitive purchase of services, pursuant to Chapter 103F-402, HRS;
Restrictive purchase of services, pursuant to Chapter 103F-403, HRS;
Treatment purchase of services, pursuant to Chapter 103F-404, HRS;
Request for information, pursuant to Section 3-142-202, HAR.
In addition, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has granted approval for HPHA to use the States PNS for HPHAs federal procurement notices.
Effective December 2006, the HPHA will publish procurement notices in a newspaper publication only as an option basis and as a supplement to the States PNS. If you have any questions, please contact the HPHA Contract and Procurement Office at (808) 832-6090. (SB05526155 12/6, 12/10/06)