Dewatering Facility Informational Meeting
The State Department of Transportation, Highways Division (HDOT) is cleaning the storm drains along its highways. HDOT is required to operate a dewatering facility to temporarily dry the wet material removed from the storm drains before it is taken to the landfill. The material generally consists of dirt, leaves and other materials. A dewatering facility is proposed for the HDOT Pearl City Baseyard (820 Second Street, Pearl City).
An informational meeting will be held regarding the proposed dewatering facility.
Monday, November 27, 2006
6:30 p.m.
Manana Recreation Center, Multipurpose Room
1310 Waimano Home Road
For more information, please contact the HDOT Public Affairs Office at (808) 587-2160
(SB05525994 11/21, 11/22/06)