NOTICE of Proposed Remedial Action
Hawaii Metamorphosis, LLC
91-008 Hanua Street, Kapolei, Hawaii
TMK# 9-1-026
The Hawaii Department of Health is proposing a remedy for the Hawaii Metamorphosis, LLC site located at 91-008 Hanua Street, Kapolei, Hawaii (TMK# 9-1-026). The primary concern at this site is the buried soil and ash that contains lead. From 1966 to 1989, Leeward Auto Wreckers operated an incinerator in the center of the subject property and the resultant ash was disposed of on the property itself. After multiple site investigations, the current owner, Hawaii Metamorphosis, LLC, evaluated four possible remedies for the site: (1) No Action, (2) Containment via Barrier Cap and Containment Wall, (3) Excavation and Off-Site Disposal, and (4) Soil Solidification/Stabilization. The Department of Health has tentatively selected the second remedy, containment.
Pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules 11-451-15(i), the Department of Health is announcing that a draft Response Action Memorandum detailing this proposed remedy is available for public review and comment. The Department is accepting comments on the draft Response Action Memorandum for 30 days, after which the Department will evaluate all comments received and make a final remedy selection decision for the site.
The draft Response Action Memorandum may be reviewed at DOH offices at 919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 206, Honolulu, HI 96814. To arrange for a review date please contact Mr. Steven Mow at (808) 586-4249. Oral and written comments on the draft Response Action Memorandum will be accepted through December 31st, 2006. Written comments can be mailed to the Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response Office, Hawaii Department of Health, 919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 206, Honolulu, HI 96814, faxed to (808) 586-7537, or emailed to
(SB05525992 11/21/06)