State of Hawaii
Department of Health
Manoa Kahala, Oahu $4,276/mo.
Plans, organizes, coordinates & monitors programs, svcs., activities & staff of the Child & Adolescent Mental Health (MH) Division, Honolulu Family Guidance Center, in the provision of MH treatment svcs. to eligible children & adolescents.
Req. bachelors degree in behavioral science, nursing, rehab. or activity therapy field; 3-1/2 yrs. exp. in a MH program including formulation & implementation of preventive svcs., treatment & rehab. plans; & 1 yr. exp. in supervision of others performing such work. Appropriate substitutions allowed.
Apply via the Dept. of Human Resources Development online application system at Recruitment # 206487, continuous until needs are met. For program information, call (808) 733-9339.
An Equal Opportunity Employer