DOCKET NO. 06 – V W W – 21
Pursuant to H.R.S. §342D-7(i), Hawaii Revised Statutes, the State Department of Health (DOH) seeks written comments from interested persons regarding the following. Mr. Cary Yamada of Honokaa, Hawaii has applied for a variance from Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Section 11-62-31.1(a)(1)(A) which states For residential developments. There shall be 10,000 square feet of land area for each individual wastewater system.
Mr. Dennis T. Inouye of Septic Designs, Hilo, Hawaii, is the individual authorized to act for the applicant. The applicant is proposing to install a septic system to service two existing dwellings (1 – 3 bedrooms & 1 – 2 bedrooms) which are currently served by cesspools. The subject property has two existing cesspools. One cesspool services three (3) dwellings and the other services one dwelling. It is the applicants understanding that the existing cesspools can be upgraded to a septic system to accommodate the collection of the wastewater for two dwellings per individual wastewater system (IWS). The subject project is located in Honokaa-Waipio Government Road, Honokaa, Hawaii, and identified as TMK: (3) 4-5-009: 012, 28060 square feet.
The applicant has made the following comments.
1. The area of the lot is 28,060 square feet. This is insufficient to meet the minimum land area requirements for IWS utilization which is one IWS per 10,000 square feet of lot area.
2. Modifying the existing cesspools may result to a higher construction and maintenance cost. Therefore, proposed is constructing another IWS on this 28,060 square foot lot.
3. Three (3) IWSs would be allowed if this lot was larger by 1,940 square feet. Granting approval for this 3rd IWS shall significantly reduce the contamination of the ground water source.
4. Two (2) of the existing dwellings are allowed to use the existing cesspools. The remaining two (2) dwellings shall be in compliance with the current IWS requirements.
5. The variance is requested for one (1) year.
If you would like to review the complete application, please call or write to the Wastewater Branch, 919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 309, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814-4920, telephone (808) 586-4294 or fax (808) 586-4300 to obtain a copy or facsimile. DOH will consider all written comments received within thirty days of this notice. If warranted, DOH may hold a public hearing on the variance application, after a separate thirty-day public notice. The final decision will be made on the basis of the application, related documents, written comments and the public hearing, if any.
Director of Health (SB05525242 10/17/06)
Notice #: 05525242